- SUGGESTION - putting in an article on the Khanate performing some sort of atrocity, like gathering up 200 civilians in New Orleans and shooting them, or tearing up some huge portion of the Amazon Rainforest, or stealing the brains from children to use in biocomputers - something that has already happened, that we can't stop - will bring the WSAR tone down right quick.
HINTS to upcoming events
- "CULT of the ATOM" (p100 NE), hint that Centurion is possible with Chase Atom being a young tech/zombie thing following this NE storyline...
- Centurion is actually being made nito a zombie thing by the Khanate! He'll burst out when the power goes down.
- Other SHADOW cells being slaughtered.
- the Sleeper invades from within (p101 NE)
- Hammer of Justice is killing Shadow Cells (p104 NE) he also has human gang to back him. (Golden Marvel?)
- Serial Killings 30+ that the authorities know of. The killer is a hybrid killing human resistance cells and traitors alike.
- Khanate shut down Liberty Park to begin digging excavations. They're looking for rumor of an Omega giant Cosmic Robot from the Terminus Invasion.
- FIGHT CLUB... the Khan Darb and 10 other Khan run this secret operation in Southpoint.
- Talos in the monestary (p102 NE)
- Fin Revolution: Sugot (Grue) and his squad of 15 elite Grue are peeved for never being rewarded. Sugot apparently will be taking some. (p123 NE)
- Fire from the Sky (p109 NE) an orbital death ray, hinting at space/satelite and the Lighthouse crashed on the moon.
- update Overshadow's speech
- find an image for the array
- sewer system map
- G'roks [1-4]
- Valerie Ramirez leads a group of human/moleoids.
- Terminal Chamber
- in the sewer system, impossible to find without Ramirez's help.
- guarding the relay array is an 8' Tall guardian robot (fearless, scythes, Weakness: deactivation diable device after grappled)
- AFTERMATH off camera
- the Freedom League computers come online, as do the computers on their Lighthouse (now crashed on the moon).
- Overshadow "pings" the dimensional appature that leads to the Terminus
- from this he learns that their is an appature located in FC and one in the satelite!
- Dr. Sin has the device at Claremont Academy where he's taken up leadership.
- where is the jail the PCs busted people out of?
- where is the compound the PCs attacked?
Mayor created law enforcement of Khan rule within the city.
the Dregs
- human gang on drugs to give them power "EZ"
Southpoint Slashers
- earned Khan acceptance by ratting out any supers
- in return they get weapons
- they carve out their area on the streets
the Aquarium
- Khan rest and relaxation spot
- "the Aquarium Project" - Khan scientists taking unrestricted experiments on humans to creat a new hybrid of aquatic slave race.
Conversion Camp=
- Drone making camp
- in a remote country side campus
- airfield
the Doghouse
- secret Khan laboratory
- focus on genetically engineered canines (other animals?)
- Canines: sniff out super energy signatures
Hybrobase 11
- p. 103
- a Khan Naval facility
Innov-8 Research
- A'Den a Khan scientist who wants out of the Khan regime. Doesn't believe in the Khan plans.
Rolling Hills Country Club
- Warlord Grypon's home
- secret remains of Cosmic Robot (p. 112)
East Point Insurgents
- Richard Lyons
- Khan fear if they kill him after having waited so long Eastpoint will explode in rebellion as a martyr.
- Benny's Pub & Pool: a secret meeting place of the Eastpoint Insurgents.
Cult of the Red Moon
- an Atlantean cult
- ritual spilling of blood of enemies to raise the Red God
- Red God is a spirit of vengence to clense the earth of alien
- led by an insane powerful Atlantean Magician called Samor
- Overshadow wants to examine him for possible use
- main contact is through: FC Library - Donald Wentworth
- there is also a hidden base under the Nautical Museaum
Neighborhood Watch
- in Tempest
- a minor super Jenna Jakes "the Watcher" leads and protects them
- "the Inventor", secret aka. Overshadow
- Murder Man
- they "own" southpoint
- stockpiled with pre-alien Weapons
- they've had their fill of supers
- Hippocratic Oath: a hospical that secretly helps aid the rebellion and injured supers
- near the docks, fresh shipments
- Willy the Fish: smuggler of Farmer's Market is secretly a Grue that came to Earth long ago.
- Fish is the most prolific smuggler in FC
- Fish's office is hidden in a literal maze of docks, equipment, boxes, etc...
- deals have been cut with the Mayor and Khan Warlords to get by easy
- Hardcore: female superhuman enforcer for Fish. Black Marketeer and occasional Freedom Fighter
the Handyman store
- owned and operated by Dorthy Summers
- the store aids rebels with supplies, weapons, explosives, and captured alien technology
- "the Handyman" store: Dorthy's trademark is the S.H.A.D.O.W. communication systems
- Mitch Powers, aka. "Hippocratic Oath" a one time super hero, now crippled.
Chick's Cafe
- Chick Abel runs this club
- neutral to customers
- allows resistance to meet but does NOT allow contraband trade
Trading Post
- the downtown Black Market
- ran by Morrie Smalls
the Hammer of Justice
- 1993 (??), trapped in the Terminus by Overshadow
- went insane / psychotic
- just got free a few months ago
- blames villains for the alien take over
- hunts and kills Super Villains and S.H.A.D.O.W. Cells
- has a group of fanatics that follow him
the American Anvil
- former sidekick of the Hammer
- now old and retired in a highrise living on his stock portfolio
the Watcher
- a minor super Jenna Jakes "the Watcher" of the Neighborhood Watch, leads and protects them
the Sleeper
- a double agent traitor
- aka. Edwin Rawls
- aka. the Chameleon former villain
- aka. the Shifter
- Longarm & Glaive (Cutter) were once in a S.H.A.D.O.W. Cell, when the cell was wiped out by Sleeper
Colonel Clone
- former villain
- in his secret identity he is a slumlord with an underground lair in his apt building
Longarm & Glaive
- Glaive, aka. the Cutter
- they are mercenary supers
- Longarm & Glaive (Cutter) were once in a S.H.A.D.O.W. Cell, when the cell was wiped out by Sleeper
Hardcore and the Fish
- Willy the Fish: smuggler of Farmer's Market is secretly a Grue that came to Earth long ago.
- Hardcore: female superhuman enforcer for Fish. Black Marketeer and occasional Freedom Fighter
Hippocratic Oath
- Mitch Powers, aka. "Hippocratic Oath" a one time super hero, now crippled.
Cosmic Robot
- Rolling Hills Country Club: Warlord Grypon's home
- secret remains of the Cosmic Robot are here
the Revenger
- maintains a network of resistance fighters on the FCU college campus
Fight Club
- Alien Bloodsport
- illegal in Khan eyes
- Warlord D'arb created this low powered supers arena
- "Inside Man" is a double agent helping the Khan, working for S.H.A.D.O.W.
- Benny's Pub & Pool: a secret meeting place of the Eastpoint Insurgents.
- Warehouse 23: on a little used pier, it houses a pair of mothballed Atlantean mini-submarines.
- Overshadow is really: Dr. Atom or Daedelus (??)
- "the Inventor", secret aka. Overshadow
- Ching Cho's Chinese Restaraunt: a secret entrance to the SHADOW complex
- "Inside Man" is a double agent helping the Khan, working for S.H.A.D.O.W. with the Fight Club
- Longarm & Glaive (Cutter) were once in a S.H.A.D.O.W. Cell, when the cell was wiped out by Sleeper
- "the Handyman" store: Dorthy's trademark is the S.H.A.D.O.W. communication systems