Extras are optional abilities that can be used to enhance a superpower, giving it longer range, more punch, a reduced Verve cost etc. Each Extra added to a superpower increases that power's Rank by one; the maximum Rank a power can have is 3, so a Rank 2 power may be given one Extra, and a Rank 1 power may be given two.
The following are generic Extras that can be applied to a number of different superpowers. This list is not exhaustive; players and Storytellers are encouraged to come up with their own extras to supplement this list. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of whether or not a given Extra may be combined with a given power.
Favored by villains and morally-dubious antiheroes, this Extra allows a character's powers to deal horrible, crippling wounds. This Extra may only be applied to a power that directly deals either bashing or lethal damage. If the power previously dealt bashing damage, it now deals lethal; if it previously dealt lethal, it now deals aggravated. Note that most superpowers capable of dealing aggravated damage will also ignore a target's armor, if the target is wearing any.
The effects of the character's powers persist for longer than usual. If the power previously had a duration of one turn, its duration increases to one scene; if the power previously had a duration of one scene, its duration increases to 24 hours or until the character next sleeps, whichever comes first. Any power with a duration of longer than one scene has its duration doubled by this Extra.
The character is able to project the effects of his powers to a greater range than normal. A power with a Range given in yards has its Range doubled, and its medium and long ranges increase accordingly. A power with Range: Touch gains a Range equal to the character’s (Power Level + superpower rating) x 5 yards. Range: Self becomes Range: Touch; as usual, touching an unwilling target usually requires a Dexterity + Brawl roll, and the target’s Defense applies. At the Storyteller’s discretion, an unwilling target may also receive a reflexive Power Level + resistance trait roll to resist the superpower, or the appropriate resistance trait may be applied as a penalty to the activation roll.
The character is able to activate her powers almost effortlessly. A power with this Extra has its Verve cost reduced by one, to a minimum of zero.
The character is able to activate her powers extremely quickly. A power with this Extra may be activated as a reflexive action, rather than an instant action. This Extra may not be given to powers whose activation involves an extended action, nor to powers which cause damage to or otherwise hinder the character's opponents.