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Wasp, PL 12

Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 15 (+2)

Skills: Bluff 5 (+7), Craft (clothing) 6 (+8), Diplomacy 5 (+7), Knowledge (business) 6 (+8), Knowledge (current events) 4 (+6), Notice 4 (+6), Pilot 2 (+5), Profession (fashion designer) 6 (+8), Sense Motive 4 (+6), Stealth 0 (+23)

Feats: Attractive, Benefit (wealth) 3, Connected, Defensive Roll 2, Distract (bluff), Evasion, Favored Environment (air) 2, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Set-Up, Taunt, Teamwork 2


  • Blast 8
  • Flight 3
  • Shrinking 20 (Extras: Continuous Duration, Normal Strength)

Combat: Attack +4 (+16 shrunk), Grapple +4 (-16 shrunk), Damage +0 (unarmed), +8 (blast), Defense +5 (+17 shrunk), Knockback +1 (-4 shrunk), Initiative +7

Drawbacks: Power Loss (Blast and Flight only are usable when at least 4 ranks of Shrinking are engaged, -1)

Saves: Toughness +3 (+1 flat-footed), Fortitude +3, Reflex +6, Will +5

Abilities 24 + Skills 11 (42 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 82 + Combat 18 + Saves 8 - Drawbacks 1 = 161