DWLinS Astrafel
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Astrafel, Elf Bard
Look: Joyous eyes, wild hair, traveling clothes, thin body. Cat ears and claws. Str 8 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 15 Wis 9 Cha 18
Lv 1 Alignment: Neutral HP 17 Base Damage 1d6
Historical Knowledge Arcane Art (Cha) (Heal 1d8/+1d4 forward to damage/remove 1 enchantment/next Aid gives +2) Bardic Lore (Grand Histories of the Known World) Charming and Open A Port in the Storm
Load 13
Gear Songbook in a forgotten tongue Leather Armor (1 A/1W) Dueling Rapier (Close, Precise, Piercing 1, Weight 2) Adventuring Gear (Weight 1) Serpent's Tears 3 Healing Potion Bandages Shield