M&M Revised (v1.5) System Resource Document

Welcome to M&M Revised (v1.5)
This wiki is a System Reference Document project that attempts to update Green Ronin's Mutants & Masterminds superhero role-playing Game. The M&M 1.5 System Reference Document is a comprehensive toolbox consisting of rules, feats, skills, powers, various systems, devices, equipment, heroes, villains, and monsters compatible with the d20 System version of Mutants & Masterminds and various other roleplaying games from Green Ronin Publishing. You may consider this material Open Game Content under the Open Game License, and may use modify, and distribute it.
Based off of the D&D SRD 3.5.
- If you see any missing links, typos, or mistakes of any type, please help make this a better SRD by making the correction.
- Once the M&M1e test is posted in it's chapters we can begin updating.
- Post your notes for UPDATES in the discussion thread (above) so we can discuss it before making a permanent change.
Legal Disclaimer
This SRD site is non-commercial and we don't make any money from putting it together. It is in no way approved by, sponsored by, or affiliated with Green Ronin Publishing.
This SRD site Requires the use of the Mutants & Masterminds, published by Green Ronin Publishing.
- visit Green Ronin's home page: Green Ronin Publishing
- visit Mutants and Masterminds' home page: M&M "Headquarters"
- visit the M&M Forums: M&M Forum - "the Atomic Think Tank"
- What is M&M? M&M Wiki
- What is a RPG? RPG Wiki
- What is a GM? Game Master
- What else can I Wiki? Wikipedia