Joto the Iceman, Fighter
Joto the Iceman
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful
- Strength: 9
- Intelligence: 14
- Wisdom: 17
- Constitution: 13
- Dexterity: 13
- Charisma: 12
AC: 3
HP: 11/11
Level: 3
XP Total:
XP Needed:
Common, Elemental
Chain mail 2
Helmet 1/3
Shield 1
Long sword 1
2 daggers (belt + boot) 2/3
Quiver w/20 arrows 1/3
Total: 6 stones (5 & 1/3).
Saddle 1
- 4 days' feed 2/3)
- 8 torches 1
Shovel 1
50' hemp rope w/grappling hook 2/3
- 3 days' trail rations 1/3
- Winter blanket 1/3
- Bedroll 1/3
- Flint & steel 1/3
Short bow 1.
Total: 6 stones (5 & 2/3).
Background & Description:
Joto the Iceman, a sharp-eyed wandering swordsman, on the run after defying orders from a corrupt mercenary unit. Though he is small, he combines quick wits and tactical skill with a strange knack for resisting the effects of witchcraft. The only treasure he carries is the ceremonial silver piece that he was paid to join the mercenary dragoons, which he keeps as a reminder of how cheaply he once sold his sword arm.
Fighting Style: