Pathfinder Mercenary Contracts

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This is a PbP Pathfinder game,run by Raiu.

"The world exists in three states: Below, the world exists in darkness, unknowing of the light of our Holy Master. Above, warriors on flying ships fight wars of avarice, killing in the name of coin and land. And on the surface, in between two extremes, we live, hunted by monsters, creatures that bash themselves against our mighty walls, begging for a way inside. We live in a time of turmoil, caused by the death of Emperor Zant and the fall of his mighty Zaean Empire. With once protected settlements without protectors, the lives of the people have become hard and fearful. Darkness encroached the land and all seemed lost.

None could possibly believe that salvation would come from a small band of mercenaries in the backwater lands of the former empire."

-Arngel, scribe of the Holy Flame.

Useful Links

Combat Table

Name Initiative HP AC/Touch/Flat Main Attack Other Attack CMD/FCMD Fort Refl Will Speed Special Abilities Conditions
Arisia -/+0 8/8 11/10/11 Staff -1/1d6-1/20x2 9/9 +2 +0 +6 20' Channel 6/6

Rebuke Death 7/7 Inner Beauty 1/1

Player Characters