DOGFACES Character Creation

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the Campaign's BASE Power Level and Power Points are...

PL6 @ 75pp

I want everyone to build their CONCEPT.

  • The MAXIMUM Power Level is PL8
  • The MAXIMUM Power Points are 105pp

Do Not shoot for maxxing out to PL8 and 105pp, unless it fits your concept.

PL6 is the average for combat abilities.

  • TRADEOFFS are aloud up to +3/-3.

    For example - you might be
  • below average
  • average
  • above average
    Compared to the basic SOLDIER in combat or investigative skills. But you WILL have much more breadth (with Feats and Skills not to mention powers) building with nearly double Power Points at base.


Str 13 Dex 12 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 10
Skills: Climb 4 (+5), Intimidate 2 (+2), Knowledge (tactics) 4 (+4), Notice 2 (+2), Profession (soldier) 4 (+4)
Feats: Equipment 4, Equipment: assault rifle (+5 damage), grenades, body armor (+4 Toughness)
Combat: Attack +5, Damage +1 (unarmed), +5 (rifle), Defense +5, Initiative +1
Saving Throws: Toughness +5 (+1 without body armor), Fortitude +4, Reflex +1, Will +1

I will watch, I may ask you to change certain powers if I don't feel they're appropriate for the campaign.

PLEASE use the Simpson's character builder I posted in OUR Yahoo Group Files section. I'm adjusting it for the campaign.
Then post your character in the files.
You can/should describe your concept and character HERE but Please do not look at each other's sheets. I will take care of making sure all the points are built correctly.

Can we have characters by the end of this week??

Get building!!

Here are some of my notes for thinking about this campaign and your character concept...

#1. "DOGFACES" is not the team name, that will be for the group to decide. Dogfaces would be the title of this if it were a comic. Dogfaces refers to US Army infantryman - common in World War II; currently this, or doggy is used by a Marine to refer to an Army soldier.

#2. LETHALITY. The campaign's base damages will be lethal. Any damage over +4 modifier is lethal. War is hell.

#3. POWERS & ABILITIES. I may VETO a power or feat. I'm not going to make a list, but there are certain things I'll want to steer clear of and I'll know them when I see them.

#4. ORIGINS. There are really only three possible origins. The base is considered to be an American Caucasian of the a-c origins below. Mutants and inborn powers are NOT an option, if they were consider yourself and Alien below.

a) AMAZINGLY TRAINED, as in olympic level power/brilliance. Often these heroes have a device to aid them. Captain America or Batman are examples.

b) DEVICE WONDERS, are almost completely normal without their device, suit, or otherwise used tech. Iron Man, Dr. Strange or Green Lantern are examples.

c) POST-HUMAN, these folk were normal before something happened. Usually part of an experiment or accident many times by the government. Spiderman or the Hulk are examples.

d) ALIEN, this encapsulates all other things. Possibilities are lost races, societies, robots, or even mystic things.

#5. K.I.S.S. Keep it Simple. Plan a theme and concept for your character idea. And stick to it. Don't make a character that's too broad.

#6. INDIVIDUALITY. There are some Origins and Powers that I'd want to be UNIQUE. For example, if there's a PC of the Alien origin I'd rather that everyone else be something different. One flyer in the group is adequate (for the setting), If you're an African American, Russian, English, etc... You should be unique.

#7. CODE NAMES. While we're being more realistic, your code name can be a little more "Golden Age" in flavor. The reason being is that you WILL be marketed as propaganda to the war efforts, the public like inspiring fun names.

#8. COSTUMES. For the most part costumes should be utilitarian but with a flair for the dramatic... Again with the marketing machine. An emblem or logo is always great.

#9. 3x3. This is totally up to you. If you want to make them go for it. I'm not requiring them. But I do love them.

#10. ATTITUDES. If you've read Battlehymn or Watchmen or Rising Stars or Supreme Powers then you know the style personality. You should be somewhat heroic but can/should have flaws to your personality. You might even have an alterior motive for doing the hero thing. The most important thing is you need to have a reason NOT to quit the team if things get rough.

#11. SIT-REP. The situation-report on what the campaign will consist of is fairly easy at first. The US Government, with the aid of the US Army and US Allies are organizing a new experimental unit. This unit will be to eventually lead the wave for an upcoming military landing known in the real war as OVERLORD (aka. D-Day). It will be several months before this event and you will be trained and sent on a few missions mostly HOME but possibly ABROAD before being released to the public as a new AMERICAN force.