Black Hand

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The Black Hand are a large and widespread low clan worshipping the Dark Trinity. They follow a wide range of lower status urban occupations, though in some places the crafts they follow bring them some fame, wealth and respect, such as the fine work of the glassworkers of Purdimal.

In Tumissa and Yi'ita many of the clan are potters (though some in Tumissa are also bronze workers and quarrymen). In Yi'ita they make urns and storage jars for long term storage and long distance transport, in Tumissa they make a vairety of wares including roof tiles. In Zechni, Pola is noted as making good quality table ware for the middle clans.


Eyon of the Black Hand clan, guard at the Ksarul temple, Yi'ita

Yuli hiAska'ath, clan elder of the Black Hand, Yi'ita

Pola, clan elder of the Black Hand, Zechni