A Chuubostuck Resource
The most basic sort of enemy, they are short, ebon-skinned, and have sharp teeth and claws. Imps swarm across the worlds of the Heroes.
Single Prototypings
- Sparkle Imp: First found on LOFAD, they are black with glittering skin. They drop Cloud Grist when defeated.
- Bandit Imp: First found on LOFAD, they are black and wield swords. They drop Rust Grist when defeated.
- Scrum Imp: First found on LOMAF, they are black and wear leather rugby gear. They drop Shale Grist when defeated.
- Nostalgimp: First found on LOFAR, they exude an aura of peace and good memories.
- Haze Imp: Made of burning syrup, they collapse when defeated and set things on fire. They drop Amber Grist when defeated.
Double Prototypings
Large and vicious, ogres are very tough and difficult to fight.
Cunning lizards, basilisks are usually double-prototyped.
- Battle Basilisk: (Sword/Rugby)
Ayumu's Denizen. He guards the gates of the Restless Dead, and prevents them from departing from the world.
Matt's Denizen. Not yet known.
Riley's Denizen. Not yet known.
Lily's Denizen. A massive monster with a rooster head, wings, and twin snake tails for legs. Was imprisoned beneath the Titov shrine.
Lilith's Denizen. Not yet known.
Fitzwilliam's Denizen. Not yet known.