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A Chuubostuck NPC Collection.

The Guardians

The Guardians are the people who take care of our intrepid heroes. They may end up having mysteries of their own...

The Faithful Butler

Ayumu's guardian. He worked for Ayumu's mother until she died under Mysterious Circumstances. The other players have never actually seen Butler.

Uncle Ludvig

David's wizened-plumber uncle. Occasionally referred to as Uncle Luigi. Constantly challenges David to Secret Plumber Art's Challenges, where David inevitably fails to finish in time. His older brother, Uncle Marcus passed away just before David was "found" but left prophetic set of last words to his close friends.

Grandpa Ghost

Fitzwilliam's guardian is dead, but that's not stopping him!


Lilith Ivanov's robotic guardians, constructed by her grandfather before his death.


Lily's well-meaning grandfather. He occasionally mistakes Lily for her mother.

Lily's Mother

Lily's Mother supposedly died when a meteor crashed into the Watanabe shrine several years ago. However, Lily recently found a letter from her dated years after her apparent death, talking about the beauty of the stars in a Rider's eyes. She believes that the Riders were involved with her mother's disappearance.


Matt's athletic uncle, who tries to make Matt more athletic. His brother, Matt's father, was a skilled athlete and local celebrity who died mysteriously.

Uncle Deadbeat

Richard's deadbeat uncle, who owns weapons.


Rameus's affectionate sister, who doesn't really understand him but is supportive nonetheless.

The 'Rents

Both of Riley's parents are still alive, which makes her a real oddity amongst her friends, all of whom have zero living parents.

Ritter's Riders

Matt's increasingly large gang of followers.

The Underlings

  • Hugh Buzzword - A nostalgimp, Matt’s first recruit.
  • Sherry Markets - An armored imp.
  • Louie Leverage - A scrum imp.
  • Cynthia Synergy - A nostalgimp.
  • Business Bonnie - A scrum imp
  • Sal S. Rep - A scrum imp

The Consorts

Polly Timetable - A mudskipper from the first village. Hyde - Matt’s Sprite, the Announcersprite