MTH:Powers I-P
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Athletics) + Immobilize - target's Defense + Power Level
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Immobilize) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: See below
Effect: The character is able to hinder his opponents' movement with layers of ice, quick-drying glue, zero-point energy fields or some other means. This power has two main uses: restricting another character's body movements and reducing her ability to perform physical tasks, or anchoring another character to a solid object and stopping her from moving around.
If used to impede physical performance, the target takes a penalty to all rolls involving physical action (including attack rolls and most superpower activation rolls) equal to the number of successes gained on the character's Immobilize activation roll; if used to anchor the target, a successful activation roll reduces the target's Speed to 0, effectively pinning her in place (note that there must be a solid object present to anchor the target to, or else this technique cannot be used).
In either case, the target's Defense is reduced by one for every success gained on the activation roll. If the activation roll is an exceptional success, the target suffers both effects: her Speed is reduced to 0, and she takes the penalty to physical actions (as well as to Defense). In order for the target character to escape from an Immobilize power, she must succeed on a Strength + Stamina roll, with a negative modifier equal to the number of successes gained on the activation roll; if Immobilize was used to impede the character's physical actions, that penalty does not stack with the penalty to escape the Immobilize power.
Another character may attempt to aid the Immobilized character's escape, using the rules for Teamwork as described in the World of Darkness core rulebook (with the Immobilized character as the primary actor). The immobilizing agent may also be damaged to reduce its effectiveness, either by the immobilized character (if possible) or by an ally. The immobilizing agent has an effective Durability equal to the activating character's dots in Immobilize, and each level of damage dealt to it reduces the penalty to physical actions, the penalty to Defense, and the penalty to the escape roll by one; if the penalty is reduced below zero, the target is able to escape without making a roll.
Extras: Ephemeral - The immobilizing agent cannot be attacked to reduce its effectiveness. Radius - The effect has a blast-radius, effecting all viable targets in a sphere with a diameter equal to 2 yards + 1 yard per point of verve spent in the activation.
Weaknesses: Limited Means - Only effects biologic creatures, robots/machines, sinners (Morality 5-), the undead, etc.
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: Instant
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is capable of causing damage to anything that touches her. The source of damage dealt (fire, electricity, angry ghosts etc.) must be chosen when this power is first purchased. When the character activates this power, anything that contacts the character's body (her own gear and clothing excepted) takes an amount of lethal damage equal to the character's dots in Immolation or an amount of bashing damage equal to the character's Immolation dots + 2, as appropriate; if this contact is maintained for more than one turn, this damage is dealt each turn.
Note that this damage is dealt to everything the character touches or that touches the character, including unarmed attacks or weapons that strike the character (in this case, the damage is dealt after the attack in question lands), other characters struck by the character's unarmed attacks, and even the ground under the character's feet. Once the character has paid the Verve cost for this power, she may switch it on and off at will for the duration of the scene; deactivating this power is a reflexive action, while reactivating it is an instant action, and the character may not do both in the same turn.
The player must decide when this power is purchased weather the damage type inflicted is physical, mental, energy, or magical. Armor applies to the damage if it protects against the damage type.
Extras: Variable - The character's immolation may be either of two damage sources; the character may alternate between these sources up to once per turn as a reflexive action.
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Wits + (Stealth) + Invisibility
Action: Instant
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to turn himself, his clothing, and his personal possessions invisible. The power typically does not need an activation roll, unless contested by another power. Characters who are not actively searching for him become unable to see him at all, and characters who are actively searching for the invisible character must roll Wits + Composure and score more successes than the Invisible character's Power Level. To even attempt this roll the character must have some rational for detecting the invisible character. If this Wits + Composure roll is successful, the opposing characters are able to discern the invisible character's location in some manner and may attack him, with a -2 penalty due to his concealment; otherwise, the opposing characters are unable to locate the invisible character and must use the rules for Fighting Blind if they wish to attack him.
Note that Invisibility only renders the character imperceptible to standard vision; other methods of detection (hearing, smell, infrared vision, telepathic scanning) will detect the character as normal.
Enhanced Effect - The character may render himself undetectable to senses other than standard vision at a cost of one additional Verve per sense, up to a maximum number of senses equal to the character's dots in Invisibility.
Class: Beta
Cost: N/A
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: N/A
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character is highly resistant to one source of damage or form of attack, chosen when this power is purchased. A character's Invulnerability must be fairly specific: "hard radiation," "fire," and "mind control" are all viable Invulnerabilities, but "energy attacks," "physical attacks, "mental attacks," and "superpowers" are not. Each dot in Invulnerability negates one success from any appropriate attack or damage rolls that affect the character, or one level of damage if the source deals automatic damage without rolling. The effects of Invulnerability stack with (and are applied after) any penalties for armor, Defense, and powers such as Force Field.
A character cannot have more dots in an Invulnerability than their Power Level.
A character may buy multiple forms of Invulnerability, but no more types then their Power Level. Example: Kryptonians living under a yellow sun develop Broad Category (see below) Invulnerability, Physical Attacks and Energy Attacks. These would be a pair of gamma powers.
Extras: Broad Category - (The character may elect to be invulnerable to "physical attacks," "mental attacks," "magic," or "energy attacks," but not "superpowers" or "damage").
Class: Alpha
Cost: None
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: Simple
Range: Power Level Yards
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The target feels the weight of their actions come to bear as they experience a psychic montage of their crimes. This causes no harm to those who's karmic burden is light, but it becomes crushing to those who have led a life of immorality. Subtract the target's Morality from 8. The remaining number is the amount of damage the target takes in Level levels. Powers cannot lessen or negate this damage. This power cannot be used on the same target more then once per session, unless the target's Morality drops later that session.
Castigation - The damage is aggravated.
Judgement Visage - The range becomes Judgement Gaze x Power Level yards.
Note: If using the God Machine Chronicle rules update, ignore this power, as it does not function in the absence of a Morality Trait.
Class: Alpha
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Composure + Empathy + Judgement Gaze
Action: Simple
Range: (Judgement Gaze + Power Level) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character learns the current level of Morality the target possesses, their Virtue, or their Vice. Each success on the activation roll tells you the morality, vice, or virtue of a single person within range. Multiple successes may be spread among multiple targets.
Seek The Sin - The character need not make an activation roll to use this power, and should they need to make a roll to notice any being with a Morality trait, they add dice to their pool equal to (7 - Target's Morality).
Note: If using the God Machine Chronicle rules update, ignore this power, as it does not function in the absence of a Morality Trait.
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Luck + Power Level
Action: Reflexive
Range: Sensory*
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character carries an unstable probability field around their person which they are able to manipulate. The player may activate this power to bless a given roll with a higher chance of success. For each success on the activation roll the number required to roll a success drops by one, to a minimum of three. For example, if the activation roll grants two successes, the blessed roll would garner one success for every 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
The character can bless multiple rolls in the same turn, but cannot effect the same roll twice. This is declared in response to the action being declared, outside of the usual turn order.
Players and STs should keep in mind that it is the player, and not the character, who chooses which pools receive the luck. It may benefit ends the player wants but which the character doesn't, and the character does not need to be conscious (*Sensory range, in this case, would mean the range of the character's senses were they conscious). As the character isn't aware of the power activating, they cannot spend willpower on it.
Black Cat - With the Black Cat extra the character may use this power to curse a roll. Each success produces the result on the chart below, cumulative. If the targeted roll doesn't have a given step, skip it. Thus if the activation roll has two successes, and the targeted roll has no 9-again or 8-again quality, it would loose the 10-again quality and not count 8s as successes.
Successes Effect 1 8-again does not effect the roll. 2 9-again does not effect the roll. 3 10-again does not effect the roll. 4 8s do not count as successes. 5 9s do not count as successes. 6 The roll becomes a chance die.
The character may have Black Cat as a Beta power by itself.
Class: Gamma
Cost: --
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: N/A
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Effect: There are nine Mega-Attributes, one for each standard Attribute. Each dot in a Mega-Attribute increases its base Attribute by 2 dots for the purposes of rolling dice and meeting prerequisites. Alternatively, characters may reduce a penalty on a roll by three per mega dot instead of adding two dice. This may be done whole or in part, as the player wishes.
A character may have no more dots in a Mega-Attribute than he does in its base Attribute or Power Level, whichever is lower.
Mega-Attributes do not stack with Mega-Skills or Mega-Specialties without the Stacking extra applied to all applicable traits.
Mega-Attributes do not apply to secondary traits.
Extras: None.
Class: Beta
Cost: --
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: N/A
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Effect: There are twenty-four Mega-Skills, one for each standard Skill. Each dot in a Mega-Skill increases its base Skill by 2 dots for the purposes of rolling dice and meeting prerequisites. Alternatively, character may reduce a penalty on a roll by three per mega dot instead of adding two dice. This may be done whole or in part, as the player wishes.
A character may have no more dots in a Mega-Skill than he does in its base Skill.
Mega-Skills do not stack with Mega-Attributes or Mega-Specialties without the Stacking extra applied to all applicable traits.
Extras: Stacking.
Class: Alpha
Cost: --
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: N/A
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Mega-Specialties are defined with the same breadth as normal specialties. Each dot in a Mega-Specialty increases its base Skill by 2 dots for the purposes of rolling dice when that specialty applies. Alternatively, character may reduce a penalty on a roll by three per dot instead of adding two dice. This may be done whole or in part, as the player wishes.
A character may have no more dots in a Mega-Specialty than he does in its base Skill or Power Level, whichever is lower. Likewise, a character must have a matching normal specialty to have a Mega-Specialty.
Mega-Specialties do not stack with Mega-Skills or Mega-Attributes without the Stacking extra applied to all applicable traits.
Extras: Stacking.
Class: Alpha
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
Action: Reflexive
Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Duration: Two turns per success
Effect: The character is able to copy the abilities and powers of another character.
In order to use this power, the character must touch her intended target; touching an unwilling target requires a Dexterity + Brawl roll, and the target’s Defense applies.
Once she has successfully touched the target, They must succeed in an activation roll. The character may spend one Verve to copy one of the target’s Attributes, Skills, Merits, or superpowers for each dot in Mimic she has. In the case of Attributes, Skills, or superpowers, the character’s rating in the ability increases to either the target’s rating in the ability or the character’s own Power Level, whichever is lower.
In the case of Merits, the character may only copy Merits worth a number of dots equal to or less than her own Mimic rating; the character need not necessarily meet the prerequisites a copied Merit, but the Storyteller is the final arbiter of which Merits can be copied (as a general rule, “internal” Merits like Gunslinger or Eidetic Memory can be copied, while “external” merits like Resources or Allies cannot).
A character may only copy a total number of stats up to her dots in Mimic at a time. Abilities gained using Mimic disappear at the end of the duration unless the character spends another point of Verve to extend the duration to a scene.
I Spy - The character need only see her target use an ability to copy it and need not touch the target.
Mystic Replication - The character's mimicry manipulates fate and memory, and it can copy 'external' merits, reweaving society and chance to achieve the effect.
Class: Gamma
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Varies
Action: Varies
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
Effect: The character is able to communicate with and influence plants and animals. The character knows one of the following techniques for each dot in Nature Mastery he possesses; he may attempt to use a technique that he does not specifically know, but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by one and imposes a –1 penalty to the activation roll.
Extras: None.
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Manipulation + (Animal Ken) + Nature Mastery vs. target's Composure
Action: Extended and contested; resistance is reflexive
Range: See below
Duration: See below
Effect: The character attempts to establish a bond with an animal through a combination of personal interaction and vigorous application of the Nature Mastery power. Use of this power is an extended and contested action; each roll costs one Verve, and represents one hour of interaction with the animal (playing a game, sharing food, handling the animal, etc.). Both the character and the target animal have a target number equal to the opposing party's Willpower. If the animal reaches its target number first, the attempt to use Animal Companion fails and the character may not make another attempt on this same animal for a number of days equal to the animal's Composure. If the character reaches his target number first, the power takes effect and the animal regards the character as its friend and boon companion. So long as the character does not abuse, attack, or otherwise act in a manner against the animal that would break the bonds of friendship, the animal will remain loyal to the character and obey his instructions, as well as coming to his aid in times of need (up to and including fighting alongside the character against his enemies). Note, however, that an animal under the effects of this technique is still an animal, not an automaton; it still has its normal instincts and intelligence, and will continue to behave in an appropriate manner unless specifically ordered not to by the character (and even then, an animal companion will not act in an obviously suicidal or self-destructive manner, and ordering the target animal to do so will cancel the effects of the power). Unless cancelled prematurely by unfriendly action on the part of the character, the effects of Animal Companion last until the character voluntarily releases the target animal from his service. A character may only have one animal companion at a time.
This power does not effect sentient animals at all.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Animal Ken) + Nature Mastery vs. target's Resolve
Action: Contested, resistance is reflexive
Range: (Power Level + Nature Mastery) x 5 yards
Duration: Varies
Effect: The character is able to impose his will on animals, forcing them to perform actions they otherwise might not. This technique functions identically to the "Domination" power, except that it only works on animals (and the Storyteller has the final say on what constitutes an "animal" or not, if there is room for debate), and the dice pool for the activation roll is Intelligence + (Animal Ken) + Nature Mastery.
Effect: In place of one of the other techniques listed here, the player can effectively gain the Animal Speech merit, but applicable to all types of animal.
Effect: In place of one of the other techniques listed here, the player can elect to gain five dots in the Environmental Adaptations merit.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Manipulation + (Survival) + Nature Mastery
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Nature Mastery) x 5 yards
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character is able to animate the plant life of an area to attack, constrict, or otherwise hinder an opponent. This power functions identically to the Animation technique of the Elemental Anima power, except that the activation dice pool is the character's Manipulation + (Survival) + Nature Mastery, and the power only works on plant life (or, at the Storyteller's discretion, on sufficiently advanced fungi or protists such as mushrooms, algae, moss, or kelp). Note that plants will not uproot themselves under the influence of this power, and so cannot be given a Speed value.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Presence + (Animal Ken) + Nature Mastery - targets' average Composure
Action: Instant
Range: Varies
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character issues a telepathic summons (possibly in conjunction with a bird call or a wolf's howl), compelling nearby animals to converge on his current position. The character may elect which kind of animals the summons affects, such as "all predators," "only deer," or "my pet dog." One success on the activation roll is enough to call most of the viable animals within a radius equal to the character's (Power Level + Nature Mastery) x 100 yards (a handful of individual animals with particularly high Composure might resist the summons, but the vast majority will be affected); each additional success doubles this distance. Affected animals move towards the character's current location as fast as reasonably possible, though they will stop to eat and sleep if necessary. Once the summoned animals reach their destination, they will revert to their normal behavior unless the character uses other Nature Mastery techniques on them.
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Stamina + (Survival) + Phasing
Action: Reflexive
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One turn
Effect: The character is able to "phase" through matter like a ghost, passing through solids and liquids as easily as through air. Essentially a highly specialized form of Density Control (decrease), a successful activation roll allows the character to become insubstantial and pass through any solid objects she encounters and to move through water and difficult terrain at full speed for a single turn. As with Density Control (decrease), a character using the Phasing power is normally unable to breathe while her head and chest are inside a solid object or a liquid, and the character may risk drowning if she is forced to spend multiple turns inside such an object. This power may also be activated as a Dodge action to defend against physical attacks; in this case, each success on the activation roll imposes a -1 penalty to any physical attack roll made against the character that turn.
Characters who run out of Verve or simply refuse to spend it while inside an object will be forcefully ejected if the power is allowed to lapse while inside a solid substance. Assume a character will be thrown through a material in the shortest direction possible when ejected, and will take damage as if they had fallen a similar distance. Note that effects which negate falling damage do not negate this damage. Also, there is no guarantee that conditions where the character is ejected will be favorable or even safe.
Extras: None.
Class: Alpha
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: Reflexive
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to stretch and contort as though she were made of rubber. When this power is active, the character is able to stretch her arms, legs, torso, and neck a maximum of three yards for every dot in Power Level she possesses, and may add her Plasticity rating to all rolls made to grapple another character or to escape from a grapple. She is also able to squeeze her entire body through any opening that would allow a being to pass through which was size [her size - Plasticity rating]. Thus a normal size person (size 5) with Plasticity 3 could fit through a size 2 opening.
Extras: None.
PLURIPOTENCE (Beta, Gamma and Omega)
Class: Beta, Gamma and Omega
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Power Level + Pluripotence
Action: Varies
Range: Varies
Area: Varies
Duration: Varies (Never Permanent)
Effect: Pluripotence is an incredibly flexible power, and may be used to represent super-science, sorcery, breaking the fourth wall or other extremely versatile power sets. To represent this, it is bought as 1-3 separate powers, with some unique rules. Beta, Gamma, and Omega versions are effectively separate powers, which do not have one another as prerequisites. Each level of Pluripotence allows the character to mimic all of the other powers from the Class below it, with the following changes;
1) Pluripotence costs twice the typical amount of experience points at all levels.
2) The character rolls their Power Level + Pluripotence for any applicable rolls.
3) The cost to activate is as per the power mimicked.
4) If multiple techniques exist for the power, the activation roll for each technique has a -2 penalty.
5) Each Class of this power (Beta, Gamma and Omega) requires the player to select two generic weaknesses (other than Single Technique) from the list given on this site. Alternatively, the ST can allow other weaknesses at her option. Whenever activating the power, the player must choose one of the two weaknesses to apply for the appropriate level. If there is no logical way to apply either weakness (Storyteller call), then the power cannot be mimicked. The player may choose the same weaknesses for each level of the power if they wish.
Pluripotence cannot duplicate Powers with a Permanent Duration.
Extras: None (do you need any?).
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Stamina + Power Level + Power Vampire – target’s Stamina + Power Level
Action: Reflexive
Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character is able to steal the skills, merits, powers, or life force of another character (which ability the character has access to is chosen when the power is purchased).
If the character is stealing a Skill, Merit, or Power from the target, his target loses one dot in the chosen category and he gains one dot in the ability for every success on the activation roll. The target character cannot have an ability reduced below zero by this power, but drainings do stack.
Incremental merits can be lessened in part or negated totally if the successes are enough. If the character is trying to steal a multiple-dot Merit from his target, this power only works if the character gains enough successes on the activation roll to steal every dot of the Merit.
As with Mimic, the Storyteller is the final arbiter of which Merits may be stolen, and as a general rule, "internal" Merits like Fighting Styles and Gunfighter are fair game while "external" Merits like Allies, Contacts or Resources are not.
If the character is stealing health from the target, his target takes one point of lethal damage and the character gains one temporary health level for every success on the activation roll, to a maximum of the Power Vampire's Power Level.
Stolen powers are returned and temporary health levels are lost at the end of the scene; however, if the target took damage from Power Vampire, this damage heals at the normal rate.
Extras: Versatile - The character is able to use two versions of this power, though not at the same time, and may switch between them at will.
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Wits + Composure + Premonition
Action: Reflexive
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to sense impending danger or threats to his person. To use this power, the character simply pays the appropriate Verve cost; no activation roll is required. For the rest of the scene, any time something threatens the character—someone points a gun at her, or she is about to trip a trap—she may make a reflexive Wits + Composure + Premonition roll to attempt to detect the danger. On a success, the character learns that she is in danger and has a general idea of from what location or direction the threat originates (IE “There is a threat to you on the other side of this door”); on an exceptional success, the character also learns the exact nature of the threat (IE “There is a man with a crowbar on the other side of the door, waiting to ambush you”). If the character has the Danger Sense merit, the bonus given by that feat applies to Premonition rolls as well.
Extras: My Brother's Keeper - (The character’s Premonition can detect dangers to anyone within [Power Level + Premonition] yards of the character).