After the Cataclysm - COMBAT TRACKER
After the Cataclysm B/X Campaign - Main Page
Character: Total Current Armor Initiative Movement Melee Primary Secondary Ranged Primary Secondary HP HP Class Bonus Rate Bonus Melee Melee Bonus Ranged Ranged Toroth the Godsthief 10 10 -4(-3) +1 6" +5 Hammer 3d6+5 Axe 2d8+4 +2 Hammer 3d6+5 Crossbow 1d6 Exoth the Unexpected 7 7 2 +1 12" +1 Sword1d8+2 HAxe 1d6+1 +0 Axe 1d6+1 Shortbow 1d6 Aelred of the Emerald Order 3 3 3(6) +2 12" +2 Sword 1d8+2 Dagger1d4+1 +3 Sbow1d6(+0/1/2) Dagger 1d4+1 Magic: Ogóul: - 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 Hold Portal Magic Missile Shield Levitate Mirror Image Invisibility Fireball Haste Invisibility 10' radius Confusion Dimension Door Polymorph Others Animate Dead Hold Monster Willard: 1 1 2 2