Notable Visitors to the Keep

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Visitors of Note to Farkeep’s Guest (Fencing) Hall

The steward of Farkeep is proud of the Keep’s tradition of hospitality, opening its guest hall to any peaceful traveller. But he pays careful attention to the identity of visitors, in case some warrant the Castellan’s notice. On ordinary nights (excepting fairs and festivals) the Fencing Hall might have a smattering of farmers, vagrants, herders. But some guests are more notable.

Main Table

To identify the most attention-worthy guest over a particular time period , roll:
For one night : 3d6, taking the lowest die
For a week: 2d6, taking the lower die
For a month: 1d6

1 or 2-none in particular, there have been few guests overall
3-Farkeepers (consult Farkeeper table for details)
4-Guildtowners ( consult Guildtowner table for details)
5-Wanderers ( consult table below for details)
6- Strange Guests (consult table below for details)

Sub-table: Farkeeper Guests

(numbers follow in parentheses)
1-Local s fleeing monsters (2d6).
2-Local petitioners of the Castellan (aid, reform ) (1d2)
3-Local petitioners of the Castellan (justice, judgement ) (1d6; if >3 one is prisoner defendant)
4- Outlying (1d3 for woodsfolk, farmers or lakefolk) with excellent gifts or produce (2d6)
5-local youth who comes of age to offer service (1)
6-Local non humans (1d3 for goblins, satyrs, pixies) on business (1d3)


(numbers follow in parentheses)
1-Red cudgel thief, river pirate or road bandit (undercover as 2) (1d6)
2-Guildtown 1d3 for beggars, peddlars, or buskers (1d3)
3-Lizardfolk ex-guild mercenaries (1d6)
4-Guildtown merchants (1d3) perhaps with bodyguard (1d3)
5-Guildtown petitioners (1d3)
6-Guildtown officials (1d2)


(numbers follow in parentheses)
1-fugitive (1d3 for runaway serf, debtor, fool, thief, bandit, murderer) (1d2)
2-Vagrants (1d3 for beggars, poor labourers , Green Star trouble refugees) (1d6)
3-barbarians (1d6, 6=5 plus one Walker) trading, seeking protection or offering service
4-Knights errant on quest or seeking service (1d2)
5-holy folk (1d3 for pilgrims, wandering friars or undead slayers) (1d6)
6-lone adventurer (1d6 for wizard, rogue, paladin, troubadour, forester, cleric) (1)

Sub-table:Strange Guests

(numbers follow in parentheses)
1-disguised fiend (1d3 for doppelganger, demon, black dragon) (1)
2-human form lycanthrope (1d3 for werewolf, wererat, werebear) (1)
3-traveller from distant land (1d6 for Venzian merchant, turban mystic, turban merchant, turban mercenary, steppe-rider, silk merchant) (1d2)
4-great and good (1d6 for royal inspector, Assembly witch, Knight Champion, Bishop, Abbot or Mage) (1d3 with retinue)
5-non-human mercenaries (1d3 for lizardfolk, ogre, centaurs) (1d6)
6-disguised holy (1d3 for saint, angel, silver dragon) (1)