Thia Galanodel
Thia Galanodel
Half Elf Sorcerer Level 3
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Background Outlander (Exile)
Description Fairly tall, barely three inches shy of 6', svelte and athletic, with pale white skin that sometimes shimmers like scale. Her eyes are copper and her hair is platinum blonde tending towards silver.
12 Strength +1
14 Dexterity +2
15 Constitution +2
10 Intelligence +0
8 Wisdom -1
17 Charisma +3
Weapons Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaves, Light Crossbow
Tools Shepherd's Flute
Saves Constitution, Charisma
Skills Arcana, Athletics, Nature, Persuasion, Stealth, Survival
Proficiency Bonus +2
Languages Gelini (Common); Elvish; Draconic; Sylvan; Goblin
Draconic Origin (Silver Dragon)
Draconic Resilience
Wanderer (Outlander)
Darkvision (Half-Elf)
Fey Ancestry (Half-Elf)
Font of Magic (Sorcery Points 3; Flexible Casting)
Equipment Quarterstaff; Hunting Trap; Dire Wolf Tooth; Traveler's Clothes; Sling; Component Pouch; Explorer's Pack' Two Daggers; 10 GP
Trinket: A dragon's bony talon hanging from a plain leather necklace.
Blade Ward; Minor Illusion; Ray of Frost; Shocking Grasp
Spells Known 4
1st Level Spell Slots 4
Witch Bolt; Sleep
2nd Level Spell Slots 2
Phantasmal Force; Shatter
Trait Fidgety, always picking things up and playing with them.
Ideals Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed. Part of that obedience is acceptance of the constant change that is Nature.
Bonds My family threw me into the wild. One day, I will show them how it's shaped me.
Flaws Always eats her food raw.
Speed: 30'
AC: 15 (Draconic Resilience + Dex)
HP: 23
Attack Bonus +3 Melee / +4 Ranged / +5 Spell (Save DC 13)
Quarterstaff (1H) 1d6+1 / (2H) 1d8+1
Sling 1d4
Ray of Frost +5 Attack 1d8 Cold, -10 Speed
Shocking Grasp +5 Attack 1d8 Lightning, no reactions
Witch Bolt +5 Attack 1d12 Lightning, +1d12 each action spent, as long as target is in range.
Phantasmal Force (Int Save) Internal, Mental illusion, Capable of doing damage if target believes, 1d6 Psychic damage per round target remains within 10' cube.
Shatter 10' Sphere within 60' range. 3d8 Thunder Damage (Con Save). Inorganic creatures are at Disadvantage, items not carried that are in area of effect, take full damage.
Inspiration: 1