Forgotten Freedom:Satnak

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Female Half-elf Incarnate (good?)7/Psychic warrior 8

Satnak is everything that is right amongst the mortal races of eberron. She is strong of will and heart, keen of mind and body, devoted to making the world a better place for those around her, and utterly and completely wrecked. She may or may not have existed until a moment ago, but she remembers losing her left arm in a fight with her sister a powerful cultist of a lesser Raksasha lord who was begining to approach the level of the lords of dust. She won of course, and wreaked bloody horrible vengeance upon the Raksasha responcible. Since then she remembers wandering some even begining to recover, but a wrathful feeling towards the immortal and those who claim divinity festers within her heart.

The arm of Broken Dreams

This horrible artifact was constructed by the crew of the Forgotten Freedom to counter all of the big bad immortals that started plauging the ship after the arrival of Sa'vor. Based on designs aquired from an alternate future, this replacement for the left arm allows the bearer to trap and erode the souls of immortal creatures to empower the arm and themselves. This power is activated by striking the manifestation of such creatures, each strike becomes more and more devastating until the manifestation is broken and the immortal soul is absorbed into the arm. The captured essences are gradually ground to nothing as the arm and bearer are infused with its converted enegies making the wielder faster, stronger, smarter, more deadly. The arm has several other special features as well.

Its hard well crafted form is nearly impervious, and completely immune to divine or profane hinderances.

It allows the user to manipulate energy for devasting long range blasts or to channel into crippling melee strikes

All "Immortal souls" and influences are immediatly identified and tracked to their source.

One of Three blades can be extended from the gauntlet at a time each one can be imprinted with a diffent set of enhancement abillities on top of the arms already impressive Damage potencial (3d6 +str with a +10 enhancement bonus) In addition the armor of the gauntlet can be used as a shield and enchanted with sheild abilities.

Finally the Wielder's growth is accelerated not only does the host level faster they gain more feats and ability improvements than normal people.

Satnak the Deicide

Incarnate (good or chaos)8/Psychic warrior 8

Satnak has been summon to a strange ship and grafted with this stange armored arm where her real arm used to be. She doesn't quite understand whats happening or these strange people who did this, but she does understand one thing. This new arm will help her slay the very gods if they choose to manifest. Satnak can barely contain her excitment at this idea.

Satnak Is up to 10 Psi warrior/ 15 chaos incarnate + plus arm and general bad***ness

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