The Zhuque Brotherhood

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Cathak Nekuto is at his best when leading troops he's trained himself. Knowing how much Storm of Amber would rely on him as the vanguard of the the circle's armies and to carry out special operations on the field that lesser troops could not manage, he used the Peerless Training Method Protocols to develop a training regimen for supperior warriors and then implemented that regimen with the Flawless Training Execution. He ended up with five skilled soldiers; though they're not the equal of elite troops, time, regular training and field action should see to that. The five are:

  • Chiri Jing
  • Tama Gui
  • Nuri Liu
  • Hoto Xing
  • Chiko Zhang


The members of the Zhuque Brotherhood are regular mortals who have been specially trained to be warriors. They are treated as extras and have have the normal statistics for Green Troops, with the following exceptions:

  • Dexterity 3
  • Melee 3 (Swords +1), Archery 2, Ride 2, Integrity 1, Medicine 1
  • Valor 3

Heaven's Mandate