Quentin Charasuchin

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Baron Quentin Charasuchin

A reluctant member of the Star Patrol

Refresh: 2


High Concept: Exiled Mechanix Noble

Trouble: Known Traitor

Aspect 3: Insufficiently Ruthless

Aspect 4: Cybernetic Augmentations

Aspect 5: Desperately Ambitious


Great (+4) Deceive

Good (+3) Will, Contacts

Fair (+2) Lore, Provoke, Stealth

Average (+1) Investigate, Notice, Physique, Shoot


Physical O O O O

Mental O O O O O


Mild: _________________________

Moderate: _____________________

Severe: _______________________


Deceive: The Human Cockroach
Contacts: Inside Man
Stealth: Invisibility Field
Will: Cyber-Interface System

Stunt Explanations:

Cyber-Interface Systems: The cybernetics built into your brain make you particularly good at reading and hacking computer systems. You can use your Will skill to interface directly with computers and hack security systems.

Inside Man: Your time as a Mechanix citizen has left you with a lot of intel into how the Empire operates. When you create Advantages with Contacts based on your Mechanix knowledge, you get one free invoke.

Invisibility Field: You can shroud yourself and others in a field of refracted light, hiding you from sight. This gives you +2 to Stealth checks against vision-based opposition when active.

The Human Cockroach: You have a knack for survival. When in a conflict, you may spend 1 Fate Point to discover an escape route and retreat. If you do this, you can’t return until the end of the conflict.