Haya Mipaq

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Dark Tower Exalted

(not final)

The child of bankers in the Haslanti League, she was orphaned by a disease that took them and left her weakened. Haya grew up pursuing a life of the mind, buying and borrowing many books on many subjects, with a bias toward studies of thaumaturgy and the occult. She had one of the most sedate Exaltations known, and jokes that she read her way into awesomeness; most immediately, from her POV, it cured her ailments. Secondarily, it allowed her to pursue her some of studies in a more practical way.

Haya is kind and friendly. Her most notable flaws are a mix of a pathological need to be liked, a determination to be self-reliant and not need to depend on others, and a tendency to withdraw so that her compassion doesn't get in the way of her desires.

This business with the world unraveling has re-oriented her priorities in a dramatic way, largely curbing the third of her flaws. She still doesn't want to "be a burden".

Caste: Twilight (+2+4=6) Favored Ability: Presence (+2) Past: Bourgeois orphan (+2) Motivation: learn whether she can save Creation or replace it. (+2) Virtue: Compassion (+2)

Flaw: slow to ask for help (-2)


Second Sight: The occult is not hidden from her; she can see the immaterial.

Integrity-Protecting Prana: her person is inviolate, maintained by her Will.

Adamant Body Meditation: no, seriously, her person is inviolate.

Wyld-Shaping Technique: she can mold the world to her wishes, and improve it.

Judge's Ear Technique: People's lies and self-deceptions tend to ring false to her.


1: Virtue: the Greater Good (+2) She cares about individuals, but she can be coolly utilitarian as well.

1: Merit: friendly demeanor (+2); people tend to like her.

1: +2 Caste boost.

1: +2 Ability boost

1: Merit: Staff/Spearfighting [+2]. She can't just depend on guards, can she? Artifact: Reliance, a magic spear she made for herself.

  • 1: it normally hangs around her neck as a small cross, but can swiftly transform into a two handed fighting spear, basically a quarterstaff with a point.
  • 1: she can 'throw' it, actually sending a phantom that does the damage of a normal throwing spear, without the artifact leaving her hand.

[3 points left]