Haya Mipaq

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Dark Tower Exalted

(not final)

Very short concept

Haltan Twilight scholar, friendly, trusting, has raksha cataphract guard

Short concept

  • Mother is a noble of Resplendent Peak, father a Haslanti trader.
  • Appearance: pale skin and blue eyes from dad, greenish-black hair from mom.
  • As child, acquired raksha knight Velka via commutation.
  • Quietly exalted as Twilight, pursued studies
  • Visited Sijan, met the mortal Asphodel
  • Teamed up with her, laid to rest the Shade Tiger
  • In Summit Point for the Eternal Library
  • If in combat, mostly defensive; Velka fights for her.
  • Talent: knowledge; perceiving and dealing with magic; Wyld-shaping
  • Age: 25ish?


Crippled by a childhood illness, Haya grew up pursuing a life of the mind, buying and borrowing many books on many subjects, with a bias toward studies of thaumaturgy and the occult. As a child of two cultures, in a border city, while anticipating that she'd be too disabled to become a full Haltan citizen, Haya acquired particularly cosmopolitan perspectives.

When she was 10, a cataphract named Velka attacked people in the city and was somehow caught. She was straightforwardly sentenced to death, but Haya stepped in to speak to her, and learned Velka had offended Yseult, the fairy queen to the north, and been ordered to 'count coup' by attacking Haltans and escaping -- or submitting peacefully to Haltan law if cornered. Struck by the fae's beauty and outrage at an unjust order, she begged her mother to commute the sentence to service, saying she would be responsible for the raksha. Her mother reluctantly agreed, sentencing Velka to ten years sworn service to Haya, unless her daughter began to weaken. But Haya's dreams were sufficient to support Velka, who became her constant companion, and often transport.

Ten years later, Velka, marked by Haya's kind treatment, voluntarily swore life service to Haya as her twilight knight, in preference to returning to the whims of a raksha court. Probable 'life' turned out to be longer than expected, when Haya in turn Exalted as a Twilight Solar.

With a new ability to walk on her own, and many mystical abilities beside, Haya has since traveled the east, with a preference of seeking out libraries or people to study with. Although compassionate to those immediately in need, she's sought to avoid heavy commitment in that line. "Learn now, help later."

In Sijan, visiting the museums and seeking access to the libraries, she met the mortal mortician Asphodel, who later as a Zenith joined her in Halta; together they pacified the ancient Lunar ghost who'd stalked the land.

Rumors of the Eternal Library was irresistible to her, with the bonus of seeing a new land.

Haya is kind and friendly. As a pampered child of a pampered nation, she's inclined to be trusting, perhaps too much so. Then again, so far it has served her well. Unlike most Haltans, she doesn't hate Linowans as a people, and wishes peace could be found, but hasn't been outspoken about it. Intellectually she knows most raksha are dangerous, but her gut feelings aren't those of most people.

Like most Haltans, Haya has a pet, in her case a san-beast emerald monkey that used to fetch things for her and help her with small tasks. She needs him less now, but he's still a constant companion.


Caste: Twilight (+2+4=6)
Favored Ability: Presence (+2, often +4 due to Friendly)
Past: Haltan elite, scholar (+2)
Motivation: learn everything! currently, the Eternal Library. [I expect to change this once sufficient threat becomes clear.]
Virtue: Compassion (+2)

Flaw: Trusting (-2)


  • All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight: The occult is not hidden from her; she can see the immaterial.
  • Integrity-Protecting Prana: her person is inviolate, maintained by her Will.
  • Adamant Body Meditation: no, seriously, her person is inviolate.
  • Wyld-Shaping Technique: she can mold the world to her wishes, and improve it.
  • Judge's Ear Technique: People's lies and self-deceptions tend to ring false to her.


  • 1: Merit: friendly demeanor (+2); people tend to like her.
  • 2: +4 Caste boost.
  • 4: Velka
    • 2 cataphract (+6 combat, including boost below)
      • 1 Ice Refracts the Sun
    • 1 raksha noble (+2 glamour magic/sorcery)
  • 1 Sorcery
    • infallible messenger
    • Conjuring the Azure Chariot (200 mph, 4 passengers)

[2 points left]


A Northern court cataphract, Velka fights with conjured weapons of ice. She has white hair and uncannily bright blue eyes, and wears a black choker gifted by her mistress. Whatever her original personality, she has been shaped by years of a sole diet of Haya's childish and optimistic dreams, and accepted the role of a beloved and loving knight. Life has been quiet, but surely service to one of the Sun's Chosen will eventually lead to excitement.

Ice Refracts the Sun

Velka is a mighty warrior in her own right, not the mightiest. But she draws power in long symbiosis from a Solar Exalt, magnifying her ability, and giving her a large supply of glamour or gossamer for her own special magics.


An emerald monkey san-beast, male. Small enough to fit on a shoulder. Smart enough to fetch small items or carry messages on command to locations it knows well, probably not smart enough to read a map. Formerly a highly useful helper animal for a disabled girl, now a mildly useful companion animal.