Dear Darkness:Main Page
Dear Darkness
A Fading Suns campaign using a basic and stripped down variant of Other Worlds.
Main Links
Orokos - make all rolls here please
For Orokos, please use either DD or Dear Darkness as the campaign name, and your character's preferred name.
Player Characters
Bashter Evagrius, an Avestite Inquisitor played by Nick the Nevermet
Victoria Youalahuan Santa Maria Zacatecas Hazat, a Hazat Duelist played by Advocate
Anwar Addae , a Scraver Xeno-Archaeologist, played by HN'
Non-Player Characters
To come.
How to Accomplish actions
When testing, roll 1D20 and add the value of the main ability you're using, add 1/2 the value of a secondary ability you are using that supports your action, add 1/3 the value of a third ability if it supports your action, and finally add 1/4 of the value of a fourth ability if it supports your action. Round up for each of these fractions. For example, you wish to sneak out of the inn you're staying at without alerting the suspicions of the enemy agents you know are watching you. Your Blend in to Surroundings +7 ability is the primary ability, to which you add half your Silent as a Sutek Mouse +6 ability and a third of your Generous to Servcie Staff +6 ability. You don't have a fourth ability which would help, otherwise you could add a quarter of that score too. This gives you +12 to your D20 roll. If you rolled a 13, you'd have a total of 25. If you have any Flaws or abilities which would adversely affect your attempt, the value acts as a penalty to your roll. You briefly state how you're trying to to accomplish your action - Blending in is obvious, as is being silent; using your Generous to Service Staff Personality Ability is a little unorthodox, but being on good relations with them enables you to easily persuade one of the waiters to go and bug the agents (bring them some complimentary tea, perhaps), distracting them while you make your escape.
Compare with the opposing roll. If you get a total more than 15 higher than the opposing roll, you score a critical success. If you get a total between 6 and 15, you get a normal success, and if you get a total between 1 and 5, you get a partial success (something untoward also happens). If you draw, then nothing happens. If you score -1 to -5, you get a partial failure (and your opponent gets a partial success); if you score between -6 and -15, you get a normal failure (and your opponent gets a normal success), and if you fail by more than 15, you get a critical failure (and your opponent gets a critical success). Continuing the example above, the enemy agents have Keep an Eye on You +6 and Not Easily Distracted +4, giving them +8 to their roll, which unfortunately for them is a 4, giving them a total of 12. Comparing your 25 to their 12, is a difference of +13 (almost a critical success, but not quite). You sneak out undetected.
Possible examples of other results are as follows. For a Critical Success: As you sneak past, you hear one of the agents saying to the other "Boss Heddik is going to crucify us if we let them go," thus revealing who the agents are working for. For a Partial Success: As you're leaving, one of the agents notices you, but too late, you're off and away and they can't catch you - they know you left but they have no idea where you went to. For a Partial Failure, just as you ae about to make your attempt, your nerve fails - these agents are just too good. You'll have to come up with some other plan for escape instead. For a Normal Failure, you make your move, but the agents spot you, and give chase, right on your heels. On a Critical Failure, not only do they spot you, but the guns come out, and they have the drop on you. "You're coming with us" they tell you as they call in back-up.
Combat System
All combat rolls are opposed rolls. If you are attacking an enemy goon from far away, armed with a pistol while he only has a wicked-looking machete, and so can't harm you, then your opponent isn't going to do any damage to you, but may gain some sort of advantage over you if his roll beats yours. Abilities which reward taking cover, evading, etc will be most useful in this situation. Otherwise, assuming two opponents able to harm each other, both you and the GM choose relevant abilities for the combat roll, and make rolls normally as above. Compare the results to find the baseline damage inflicted by the winner on the loser. A critical success or failure results in a base of 6 damage being done to the loser, a normal success or failure results in a base of 4 damage, a partial success or failure in 2 damage, and a draw in neither side doing any damage. Think of a combat situation as taking place over a nebulous or variable amount of time as you both attack and counter-attack, etc, with one of you gaining the upper hand and inflicting damage on the other.
When you know what baseline damage has been done, you can then make a second Wound roll, using abilities that protect you in some way from harm, whether those are abilities based on the use of armour, an innate toughness, or the mental fortitude to ignore wounds. Don't use evasion abilities for this stage - they're best used in the previous combat roll. The person inflicting damage will be able to use any abilities which reflect extra harm done - Armour Piercing Ammo perhaps, Monomolecular Blade, or even just Fucking Huge Machete might be useful here. The person inflicting damage also adds the baseline damage done to his or her roll. Compare rolls as usual, to see what the result is. A Draw means you will take the baseline damage; for each level of success, you will reduce the baseline damage done by 1 point, while for each level of failure, the baseline damage will increase by 1. Thus if you get shot by an enemy sniper, with a normal success, you'll have a baseline of 4 damage. Making your Wound roll, you end up with a normal success, which means you only end up taking 2 damage after all. Mark this in the Temporary Abilities section of your wiki page with a relevant description, such as "winged in the left arm +2." Wounds of values of between +1 to +3 are flesh wounds, bruising, minor cuts, being a little winded etc. Wounds of +4 to +5 are more serious wounds (large bleeding cuts, broken ribs, nasty burns), and wounds of 6+ are major wounds - anything from broken legs to organ injuries, having a hand cut off or an eye put out. You'll need medical help for the latter ASAP, and they may lead to permanent Flaws being granted.
You have a total of 12 Hits. If the sum of all the wounds you have taken reaches 12, you'll be unconscious and dying. Most mooks in the game will have fewer hits, and a single major wound will probably be enough to knock the fight out of them. Any Wounds you take are a form of Temporary Ability that will fade with time, healing, and medical intervention, though some may last for a while as you heal up.
You have a lot of leeway when describing the wounds you're inflicting and taking - in both cases, once you know the level of damage inflicted, you can describe the wound inflicted, whether it's by you or to you. I'll sometimes be making combat rolls first, sometimes you'll be taking the inititative and attacking someone else, in which case I'll roll second; in either case, make two rolls when you're fighting; a Combat Roll and a Wound roll (for the wound roll, add bonuses for your armour in the event you take damage, and using the same D20 roll, add bonuses for any extra damage you're lkely to inflict in the event that you're successful). Once we know the results of both rolls, you can then describe the combat that took place and the damage inflicted.
Temporary Abilities
A Temporary Ability is one that you won't always have, and can be situational (while you're taking cover behiind the storage boxes in the warehouse, you can use the "Bulky Cover +6" Temporary Ability), or might reflect a one-time bonus (you have one use of "Self-Targeting Nano-Ammo +8," which will be removed after you use it). Some Temporary Abilities may in fact be Flaws (like any Wounds you have), and again may be situational (Slippery Floor +4 when you're trying to run out of the base as the timer runs down for the self-destruct sequence). I'll tell you when you have a Temporary Ability open to you, and when to remove it.