The Iron Triangle(A MM3E game)

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The Iron Triangle

A Campaign in the Meta-Storm Universe

Background & History

A note about the history you'll be seeing in here. In some ways, it will likely seem more Bronze Age than Silver. This is intentional on several levels. First, society as a whole has been trying to civilize, so things tend not to be quite so bad. Second, while I've made minor modifications, most of the events in this historical record actually happened, and much as they're presented.

As we get into the Parahuman Era, things start changing a little more, but not as much as you'd think.

1. Basic Information

2. Major Mystery Events of the 1700s

3. Major Mystery Events of the 1800s

4. Major Mystery Events from 1901-1985

5. Everything changes. (1985-1990)

6. Major Events of the 90s

7. Major Events of the 00s

8. Recent Events (2010-2015)

Player Characters

Malachite (played by t@nya)

Dr. Lucius Steel (played by funkadelic)

Midnight Green (played by Ziven of Nine)

Backfist (played by JeStor)

Aranae (played by Unka Josh)

Harrow (played by Nick the Nevermet)

Major Known Heroes

Crane -- The first Parahuman, and arguably one of the most powerful, she was only ever seen in costume, a curvaceous redhead wearing a skin-tight white leotard. She was powerful enough that even Dark Seraph could not face her alone, and even most of the criminal groups she fought weren't a match for her.

She is dead, her mausoleum destroyed in a massive - but oddly non-injurious - explosion of blue light.

Power Level: Omega Prime

The Detective -- Long thought to be nothing more than a Mystery, he disabused everyone of that thought when he killed Seraph with one blow, putting him potentially among the trinity of Power. He is presumed dead after a battle with Star Seraph - but there was no body. He was pale of skin with mouse brown hair and grey eyes. He was always in excellent trim, but never looked like a bodybuilder or professional fighter. He routinely wore a three piece suit, a dark tan duster and a fedora.

Power Level: Omega 2

Star - (Cast Picture: Morena Baccarin as Inara Serra in Firefly). Tall, curvaceous and lovely, Olive skin, long, wavy black hair and warm black eyes. Dressed in a midnight blue bodysuit with stylized constellations on it. Star's powers were Flight, Strength and Toughness. Not quite as strong as Crane.

Power Level: Alpha 2

Star Sapphire - A tall, leggy platinum blonde, she was known to change her uniform about as often as Elizabeth Taylor changed husbands. Her most used uniform was an Azure blue mini-dress over pale grey leggings. She always wore four inch heels. She had some kind of energy control, able to fly, create fields of force and energy blasts, all with a kind of bluish color to them.

Power Level: Alpha 1

Star Sapphire II - Very little is known about SSII. She's tall and willowy, which makes many believe that she's the daughter of the original, but she's never said. Her hair is jet black and worn long, kept from whipping around and tangling somehow. Her powers are apparently light based, but she seems more flexible than SSI. Not only can she fly, protect herself and fire blasts of energy, she can also create holograms and even communication lasers. Unless she chooses, her powers all have a brilliant blue glow.

Power Level: Alpha Prime

Dark Star - Belying her name, Dark Star was the brightest and most colorful of the Star Sentinels. Her uniform was a Gold lame bodysuit, with green sash, gloves and boots, and a striking white cape. Nor did she take her name from her coloring - many people assumed she was an albino until the autopsy showed otherwise. Pale skin, brilliant red hair. Her powers were similar to Star's - Strength, Toughness, Flight - but she claimed at least that they were gravity based.

Power Level: Alpha 2

Sorceress - Shorter than seems 'normal' for Parahumans, Sorceress has coffee colored skin, dark brown eyes and shoulder-length hair (or did, when she was adventuring). Her uniform was a crimson robe that fell just about to her ankles. She wore high, soft boots, and even carried a staff. Power wise, she seemed all over the map, able to apparently conjure creatures to fight for her, lightning bolts, balls of fire and so on.

Power Level: Alpha Prime

Firestar - A brunette, a few inches taller than Sorceress, Firestar's uniform was a bodysuit in a red/orange/yellow swirling flame motif. Her powers were flame based.

Power Level: Alpha 1

Paladin - A tall, strapping man in fitted plate armor. Deep, carrying voice, strong sense of righteousness. Oh, and a big sword. He shouldn't have been taken seriously, even amongst the Parahuman set, but no one could take him any other way. The sword or the armor allowed him to fly, and he was able to stand up to some powerful opponents.

Power Level: Alpha 2

The November Witch - Astoundingly tall, she's nearly 7' in height, but almost cadaverously thin. Her usual uniform is, literally, mist that drapes her body from shoulders to ankles, running darker or paler at random. Her features are Asian, but no two people have ever been able to agree on a specific nationality. Her hair, which is nearly as long as she is tall, is bone white. Her powers are wind and cold based, and there is talk that she might actually be able to claim an Omega Power level - though so far, the BPA has not put her into that class.

Power Level: Alpha Prime

Major Known Villains

Seraph / Dark Seraph

Star Seraph - (Cast Picture: Morena Baccarin as Anna in V). Tall, curvaceous and lovely, but with an indefinable sense of wrongness. She looks much like Star. Olive skin, short black hair and black eyes. Dressed in the same 'uniform' she had as Star - a midnight blue bodysuit with stylized constellations on it, but it somehow seems to have a much more sinister impression than it did for Star.


Megaera / Tisiphone / Alecto

Bitter Monday

The Lucifer Legion