Zack Spears
- Level: 5
- Class: Expert
- XP: 12,040
- Age: 29
- Languages: English, +1
- Background & Description: After growing up on Tyre, Zack wanted to see the verse. He has spent the last decade plus drifting the space lanes. Hiring on with various free traders and explorers, he has made a decent living - not always within the boundaries of the law.
- Strength 13
- Dexterity 15 +1
- Constitution 8
- Intelligence 14 +1
- Wisdom 8
- Charisma 14 +1
- Athletics 0
- Bureaucracy 0
- Business 1
- Computer 2
- Culture/Criminal 0
- Culture/Spacer 0
- Culture/Traveller 0
- Culture/Tyre 0
- Combat/Gunnery 1
- Combat/Primitive 0
- Combat/Projectile 1
- Exosuit 0
- Navigation 0
- Perception 1
- Persuade 1
- Security 2
- Stealth 2
- Steward 0
- Survival 1
- Tech/Astronautic 0
- Tech/Medical 0
- Tech/Postech 1
- Vehicle/Air 0
Other Stats
- Movement Rate: 20/40m
- HP:
- System Strain: 0/8
- AC: 3
- Attacks (Attack Bonus +2)
- Dexterity Bonus +1
- Saves
- Physical 14
- Mental 13
- Evasion 10
- Tech 9
- Luck 12
Readied (5/6)
- Compad
- 10 Glowbugs
- Combat Field Uniform - ENC 0
- Spike Thrower - ENC 2
- 3d8* (Burst +2 to hit, 3 ammo) - 20/40 - Ammo 15
- Rail Mounted Light
- Extra magazine - ENC 1
- Mag Pistol - ENC 1
- 2d6+2 - 100/300 - Ammo 6
- Extra magazine - ENC 1
Stowed (11/13)
- TL4 Backpack - ENC 0
- Toolkit Postech - ENC 3
- Metatool - ENC 1
- Lazarus Patch - ENC 1
- 3 Spare Ammo (Long gun) (bundled) - ENC 1
- 3 Spare Ammo (Pistol) (bundled) - ENC 1
- 6 Spare Type A power cells (bundled) - ENC 1
- Low Light Goggles - ENC 1
- Telescoping Pole - ENC 1
- TL4 25X100 + low light Binoculars - ENC 1
Direct Interface, Level One: A series of universal interface ports are implanted in the subject in conjunction with a subvocal pickup unit and audiovisual patch films for ears and eyes. As a result, the user can control and receive input from most standard electronic equipment without accessing the usual keyboards, screens, or controls. Wireless-capable devices can be operated from within thirty meters, while others gear usually allow for direct plugs to jacks usually implanted along the spine. While this operation is hands-free, the controls require standard subvocalization and subtle somatic gestures, and are no quicker or more precise than standard methods. TL 4, System Strain 0
Gear - at home or base
- “Betsy” - Mag Rifle - ENC 2 800
- 2d8+2 - 300/600 - Ammo 10 500
- Low light improved scope 300
- Armored Undersuit (AC7 ENC 0)
- Vacc Suit (ENC 2)
- (176) Rounds - Rifle
- (140) Rounds - Spike Thrower
- (160) Rounds - Pistol
- (4) Power Cell - A
Credits: 5110
Plot Thing
-Main Page: No Sharper Spur