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The Wilderlands of Absalom

Ishka is the daughter of Azhlo Gesht, King of the Bronze-skins and ruler of the Underworld. Gesht is now a vassal of the party, and has offered his daughter as tribute, to serve as a Sneak for the party, on the proviso that she is not needlessly endangered.



  • 10 STR
  • 09 INT
  • 09 WIS
  • 13 DEX (+1)
  • 17 CON (+2)
  • 09 CHA


  • Languages
    • Common
    • UnderTongue
  • General Proficiencies
    • Adventuring
    • Skulking
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Acrobatics
    • Thief skills at 700xp
  • Racial Proficiencies
    • Set Traps
    • Expert Caver (+1 Caving)
    • 90' infravision


  • AC 3 leather + dex (may wear chain or lighter, no shields)
  • HP Max: 5 (con +2)
  • Movement Rate: 120 / 40 / 120
  • Initiative Modifier +1 (-1 sunlight / +1 underground)
  • Attacks (as cleric) (10+)
    • Primary Melee Attack: Dagger (10+ melee, 9+ thrown), 1d4 dmg, range 10 / 20 / 30
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (9+), 1d6 dmg, range 80 / 60 / 240
    • Backstab
    • possible penalty in sunlight
  • Saves (as Thief):
    • 13 Petrification & Paralysis
    • 13 Poison & Death
    • 16 Blast & Breath
    • 14 Staves & Wands
    • 15 Spells



Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance 3 stone

  • Backpack (can hold 3 stone)
    • Leather armor (kobold sized)
    • Dagger (1d4 damage)
    • Crossbow (1d4 damage) w/20 bolts (note these must be commissioned in human lands because of their small size)
    • Wineskin with watered down kobold ale
    • One weeks dried rations (giant insect jerky, mushroom pemmican, etc.)
    • Set of Thieves tools
    • Bedroll

The sword is masterwork and grants a non-magical +1 bonus to the attack throw. It's made of some unknown metal that reflects light like mother-of-pearl.

Mount TBC

  • Medium riding horse - Name TBC
    • 3HD 15hp
  • Saddle and tack (riding)
  • Saddlebags
    • Blanket, wool (1 item)
  • Spare medium riding horse - Name TBC - lead by groom
    • 3HD 14hp

Class Construction

Kobold Sneaks have a maximum Strength of 13 and may advance to level 13 in the Sneak class. The Sneak class is as follows:

  • Has 1d4 HD (0 build points, 0 XP) and require 1325 XP to reach 2nd level.
  • Fighting capability (1 build point, as per cleric, limited to small weapons but unlimited armor) +2/4 levels, 2 fighting styles, 1 Cleave/2 levels, 500 XP) Kobold sneaks are restricted to chain mail or lighter and are restricted to using either small weapons sized for humans or custom-made weapons. In any case, standard weapons inflicts 1d4 points of damage when used one handed or 1d6 points of damage if wielded two-handed. Sneaks may not use shields. They attack as clerics
  • Reduce armor capability from Unrestricted to Broad (+1 custom power)
    • +1 Expert Caver (Caving Proficiency)
  • Thievery Value: 3 build points, excluding the ability to Read Languages and Read and Cast Magic Scrolls, 700 XP Sneaks gain thieving ability as per thieves of the same level, excluding the abilities to Read Languages and Read and Cast Magic Scrolls but including Backstabbing.
  • Thief saving throw progression.
  • Dex prime requisite.
  • Plus four custom racial powers (+125 XP)
    • Infravision 90' (2.5 custom powers)
    • Acrobatics
    • Sensitivity to Rock and Stone (+1 bonus to surprise while underground) (1/2 custom power)
    • Set Traps (custom custom power). Kobolds are expert trap setters and, given time (minimum of 1 turn) and the proper equipment (rope, spikes, crowbars, etc) can jury rig traps. A reverse Remove Traps throw is made, with the roll modified by the material on hand, the amount of time allowed and the complexity of the trap.


  • Sensitivity to Light (-1 penalty to surprise, initiative and attack rolls during daylight, unless special tinted glasses are worn).