Bonus Proficiencies
PCs (not henchmen) get an additional general proficiency at 3rd and 6th level.
Riding Proficiency
All characters can ride horses, mules, etc. Those without the Ride Proficiency suffer a -2 to to melee attacks and a -4 to missile attacks*. If the horse moves during the round characters without Ride cannot cast spells or make missile attacks. Characters with the Ride proficiency gain the following:
- Judge of horseflesh: On a throw of 14+ they can get a rough idea of how healthy a mount is.
- Mounted combat. Can melee as normal, charge (p. 112), and use missile weapons while stationary without penalty. A -2 penalty is assigned if firing a missile weapon while moving, and spells can be cast while moving with a throw of 7+.
- Control animal. The mount gains +1 to their morale score while being ridden by someone with the Ride skill.
Ride may be chosen again for the same type of animal with the following benefits.
- Judge of horseflesh: On a throw of 7+ they can gain a rough idea of how healthy a mount is.
- Mounted Combat: Can melee as normal, charge, use missile weapons or cast spells without penalty, regardless if they are moving or not.
- Horse as shield: With a saddle, the character can hang over the side of a mount, keeping it between themselves and a foe. This grants them partial cover (+3 to AC) while allowing them to cast spells or use missile weapons with a -2 penalty (cast spells on a throw of 7+).
- Control animal: Mount gains +2 to morale while being controlled.
- Can use Animal Husbandry with -2 penalty to throws, *or* gains +2 bonus to Animal Husbandry throws if she has both Proficiencies.
- Can use Animal Training with the type of mount, at a +1 week penalty *or* if she already has Animal Training as the time reduced by 1 week (minimum of 1 week).
Identifying Items with Magical Engineering
- You need to spend 4 hours per item being IDed.
- You must be able to cast Detect Magic once per item, or have some other method of viewing magical auras.
- The item must be common (whatever that means), which means that, for instance, you might be able to suss out the "plus" of a sword but unable to determine any other powers it may have.
- It will not identify cursed items.