Dominika Ivanova
Game: Rock'Em Sock'Em Revolution
Dominika Ivanova
- Her look (large image)
- HP: 8/8
- XP: 0
- Wealth: 0
- Dominion: 0
- AC: 6
- Goal: Destroy the Iron Tsar
- The Bow
- Command
- Passion
- Former serf in a Nezdohvan village
- Best markswoman in the district
- Leader of a rebel band
- Strength: 13 (+1, check 8)
- Dexterity: 14 (+1, check 7)
- Constitution: 10 (+0, check 11)
- Wisdom: 16 (+2, check 5)
- Intelligence: 13 (+1, check 8)
- Charisma: 18 (+3, check 3)
- Total: 2
- Committed
- Temporary: 0
- Scene: 1
- Day: 0
- Total: 2
- Committed: 0
Saving Throws
- Hardiness: 14
- Evasion: 13
- Spirit: 12
- The Bow: You never run out of normal ammunition. You may instantly call your preferred weapon to your hands over any distance, and your ranged weapon attacks never harm any target you did not intend to hit. Your ranged attacks always count as magical for purposes of overcoming defenses.
- Command: You may set your Charisma score to 16, or 18 if it’s already 16 or higher. You may communicate with any intelligent creature, understanding them and being understood in turn. Your commands are always understood by all listeners, though obedience will depend on your eloquence or the use of your gifts.
- Passion: You are blessed with grace and an understanding of the heart. You may set either your Charisma or Wisdom attribute scores to 16, or 18 if the score is already that high.
The Bow
- Divine Wrath (Action): Commit Effort to the end of the scene. You smite a chosen foe within sight with the energies of the Word, inflicting a 1d8 damage die per character level. You are always immune to the wrath of your own bound Words, as are other entities that wield similar powers. Divine Wrath cannot be used two rounds in a row.
- None Beyond Reach (Constant): Your ranged weapons have a maximum range as far as your natural line of sight. Your missile weapons always do at least 1d10 damage and are treated as magical weapons. Even without a bow or gun, you may cast bolts of force or conjured weapons for 1d10 damage. The pistols and rifles of the Bright Republic work for you even in the absence of an etheric node's stabilizing effect.
- Lord of That Which Falls (Instant): Commit Effort to decree the fall of every arrow. Redirect any ranged weapon attacks in your presence made by any foe with equal or fewer hit dice. Their attack roll is applied against the new target. Arrows may be redirected at any target, though a single victim can be targeted by no more than one attack per round this way. Subjects who have also bound to the Bow Word are immune to this power, as are other divinities affiliated with the bow.
- The Soldier's Faithful Heart (Constant): Those who qualify as lesser foes who freely pledge loyalty to you find it impossible to betray you or neglect the orders you give them. Only magical coercion can force them to disobey or betray you until you release them from your service. This gift applies only to your personal servants and soldiers, and not to general subjects under your rule.
- Heart of the Lion (Constant): You have an invincible defense against fear and all unwanted emotion-affecting effects. You may Commit Effort to share this immunity with all allies within 100 yards.
- Longbow
- Light armour
- Longbow (+2 to-hit, 1d8+1 damage)
- Fray dice (1d8)