Anastasia Nadezhda Sakharova
Game: Rock'Em Sock'Em Revolution
Anastasia Nadezhda Sakharova
- Appearance
- HP: 11/11
- XP: 0
- Wealth: 0
- Dominion: 0
- AC: 4
- Goal: Depose the Iron Tsar
- Fertility
- Health
- Sky
- Nobiliy in Exile
- Partisan of the Living World
- Revered among the taiga peasants
- Strength: 13 (+1, check 8)
- Dexterity: 18 (+3, check 3)
- Constitution: 18 (+3, check 3)
- Wisdom: 14 (+1, check 7)
- Intelligence: 13 (+1, check 8)
- Charisma: 16 (+2, check 5)
- Total: 2
- Committed
- Temporary: 0
- Scene: 0
- Day: 0
- Total: 2
- Committed: 0
Saving Throws
- Hardiness: 12
- Evasion: 12
- Spirit: 13
- Fertility: She have perfect control over her reproduction and may set their Constitution score to 16, or 18 if it’s already 16 or higher. She has an invincible defense against wooden weapons or objects, vegetal monsters, and plant-based toxins.
- Health: She has an invincible defense against diseases and poisons of all kinds. She may set her Constitution to 16, or to 18 if it’s already 16 or higher.
- Sky: She is never harmed by falling, need not breathe, and has an invincible defense against electricity and injurious sounds. They predict the weather perfectly out a week in advance.
- Second Spring (Action) - Commit Effort for the day. All allies in sight are refreshed, regaining vigor as if well-fed and rested and healing 1d6 hit points of damage plus the Godbound's level. Unlike most healing effects, recipients need not commit Effort to benefit from this blessing.
- Touch of Green Restraint (Action) - Commit Effort for the scene. Plants in a 50’ radius around the chosen point in sight erupt to cling to foes. All enemies in the area must make an Evasion saving throw at the start of each round to throw off the vines and regain free movement, though they can still fight in place as normal or launch ranged attacks if they have them. Foes subject to your Fray die suffer it each round they remain bound. Those enemies who reach zero hit dice because of this may be either utterly immobilized or crushed to death at the Godbound’s discretion.
- Flesh made True (Action) - You are able to cure maimings, blindings, poisons, mutilations, and birth defects by sight, once per round. This does not heal hit point damage directly, but it can restore lost limbs and crippled functionality.
- Excellence of the Word - Dexterity (constant) - Set one Attribute in theme with the Word to 18
- Stormsword (On turn) - Commit Effort. Wield electricity as a ranged weapon out to 200 feet, or sheath your weapon in lightning. Damage done is a minimum of 1d10 and counts as a magical weapon. Attacks against wet or metal-armored foes always do at least 1 point of damage, even on a miss.
- The Clouds Below (On turn) - Commit Effort. Fill the air around you with mist, up a 300 foot radius. You and your allies can see through it, but others with normal senses can see no further than five feet around them. The clouds can douse any mundane fire and allow every ally within it to ignore the first 5 points of fire damage they take each round.
- Longbow
- Rapier
- Javenlin
- Light armour
- Longbow (+4 to-hit, 1d8+3 damage)
- Rapier (+4 to-hit, 1d6+3 damage)
- Javelin (+4 to-hit, 1d6+3 damage)
- Fray dice (1d8)