A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Halfling
- Thief 1
- XP: 0/1500
- STR 6 (-1 penalty)
- INT 11 (no bonus)
- WIS 6 (-1 penalty)
- DEX 13 (+1 bonus)
- CON 5 (-2 penalty)
- CHA 9 (no bonus)
- Common, Halfling
Racial Abilities
- +1 attack bonus on ranged weapons
- +2 bonus to AC when attacked in melee by creatures larger than man-sized
- +1 to initiative die rolls
- Hide (10% chance to be detected outdoors, 30% chance to be detected indoors)
Save Bonuses
- +4 vs. Death Ray or Poison
- +4 vs. Magic Wands
- +4 vs. Paralysis or Petrify
- +3 vs. Dragon Breath
- +4 vs. Spells
Class Abilities
- Sneak Attack
• +4 attack bonus and does double damage if it is successful. The attack must be a surprise (may require a Move Silently and / or Hide roll). • Can't be performed on the same opponent more than once in any given combat. • Can also be performed bare-handed and with the "flat of the blade" (+0 attack bonus and does normal damage). In both cases subduing damage is done. Thieves Abilities at First Level Open Locks 25% Climb Walls 80% Remove Traps 20% Hide* 10% Pick Pockets 30% Listen 30% Move Silently 25%
- Halflings should use the special halfling ability to hide instead, which gives them only a 10% chance of being detected in forested terrain and 30% anywhere else.
- HP: 1
- AC: 15 (17 in melee with large creatures)
- Move: 20
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison: 11 w/ halfling bonus and CON penalty
- Magic Wands: 10 w/ halfling bonus
- Paralysis or Petrify: 9 w/ halfling bonus
- Dragon Breath: 12 w/ halfling bonus. [Dragon? It is to laugh]
- Spells: 11 w/ halfling bonus
- Equipment:
- Armor: Leather
- Weapons: Short sword, sling, 20 bullets
- Gear: Thieves' tools, silk rope, grappling hook, backpack, rations, blanket
- Miscellaneous Magic:
- Treasure: 38 gp cash
Motivation: Desperately seeking for a way to make a living and by some miracle improve on the terrible hand that nature dealt him. Romanus begins every day expecting to die; although he does not want to, he is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and will feel kind of relieved when it is actually over with.