Generic Slightly-Anime Fantasy Craft:Corva Acuilas

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Vigilant Vanguard Assassin 5/Gallant 1

  • 26 yrs old.
  • Height 5'5”
  • Weight 125 lbs
  • Black Hair; Black eyes
  • Action dice: 4d6
  • Speed: 30ft


Born to a merchant family of minor wealth, Corva's early life was one of formal education, petty functions and little else. By fifteen she had grown in into a young woman of rare beauty and much cunning, and to her pleasure , she found the chase of being courted a game that she liked to play. With it Corva found she had a talent for making men's tongues loose, or being in the right place at the right time - taking several snippets of information home to her father. Initially he didn't approve of his daughter's methods, but her methods were faultless and his business boomed as he cut deals, blackmailed suppliers and cornered markets with the pillow talk she brought home.

Corva, however still wanted more, and thus knowing the strength of her position, she demanded a payment of sorts from her father. Formal training - not in the ways of court, for she was already more skilled than most in that - but in something from the world of men. The Sword. Her father acquired the best trainer in Westmark, and she set about the learning the deadly dance of swordplay. To almost everyone's surprise but her own, she was as good if not better with the sword as the sharp edge of her tongue, and within a year she had almost bested her tutor.

Her luck finally outran her prodigious skills, however. She was used against her own family; her current mark, one Johan Cuerfer, planted a tidbit of information too juicy to resist with her knowing it would get back to her father, and that the now very greedy man wouldn't be able to refrain from acting upon it. Soon, Corva's father had lost everything - Trade laws were invoked, Magistrates spouting long since used Monopoly laws, Writs of Claim were issued, Debt collectors were knocking at the doors of his business and his family were in ruins. Corva was distraught; her actions had cost the livelihoods of so many, especially those closest to her. She gathered a few belongings changed her surname and left Westmark - her family didn't need her skills now, and her father didn't need a reminder of how his fall from grace had happened.

Corva spent the next few years, doing what she knew best and hating herself for it. She became a lady-for-hire, gaining access where others couldn't and getting the information that the coin required. It was in Port Kir that she met the man that would change her life. To begin with, he was just a rube - not a job, just someone for Corva to gain some coin out of - an older man, handsome (not unlike her Father), hair greying at the temples. But as she spent time with him, with Treran, her heart changed. He talked eloquently, not about himself but about the things in life that Corva had somehow missed - people, great ideals, passions, and beliefs. He cared little for money though it was obvious he had some, as she spent more time with him, slept with him and tried to seduce him, Corva found she actually fell for him. And then one morning he was gone leaving two things behind. A letter saying he knew what she was, what she had been doing and that he believed she was destined for better; and that they would meet again one day, not as lovers but as friends and equals, and that she would understand. The other item was a signet ring, stamped with the picture of a Rook.

Her course in life had been changed, and she knew it. She started to use here talents to help rather than hinder, to shield those in need not to expose, to show compassion not corruption. Though her words got her almost all the results she wanted, her blade did the rest. Although it was not until she met Wentras that she took her first kill. It was in the Barony of Morov that she heard rumors of a brute of a man accused of murder, set to hang within the week. Although this wasn't an uncommon event in this unpleasant city, something about the mummered words didn't ring true and Corva set to finding out the truth. Two drunk guards, a lascivious magistrate and some well placed coin turned the lies into truth. Granted Wentras was a minor criminal himself, but he had the misfortune of seeing the Burgomeister's corruption at work, whilst partaking in some petty larceny of his own, and now was locked away to prevent the truth from coming out. Corva used her wiles and slipped into the gaol. There she met the brute of a man. Unfortunately the truth would never cross his lips, as his tongue had been removed! Undeterred, she relayed what she knew to this mute mountain, and she saw the honesty in his eyes as she spoke the words. As Corva finished the story however, Wentras' eyes spread wide in alarm at something behind her; reacting on instinct she spun, her sword flowing from its sheath in an instant. And then into her attacker. The body fell and its dark cloak revealed that of a white haired elf, twin daggers falling from its hands. She looked at Wentras, who gave her a long solemn nod, and with that she freed him and turned heel from the gaol, taking only the small symbol necklace from her would-be assassin - a symbol of the Elven House Ahnvaegyrah.

Today Corva and Wentra move through the world trying as best they can to change the course of the corrupt and atone for their pasts. They have never been caught, but many a corrupt judge or zealous tax collector has been found in an early grave, and been attributed to the Lady and the White Wolf.


STR 10 (+0) / DEX 14 (+2) / CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) / WIS 16 (+3) / CHA 14 (+2)

Fort +3 / Ref +7 (+2 when holding a readied fencing blade) / Will +6

  • Lifestyle: 8 (Panache 6 [+2 Appearance; Income 60 silver] / Prudence 2 [25% savings]); total Appearance +3 (+1 from grooming case)
  • Legend: 2
  • Reputation: 2
  • Renown. Heroic: 1; Noble: 2


  • Language - Sun Tongue
  • Culture: City of Westernmark
  • Interest: High Society
  • Interest: Criminal Underworld
  • Language: Elvish
  • Language Linear Script
  • Alignment: --

Knowledge check: +4


  • Init: +7 (roll twice and keep preferred result)
  • BAB: +4 (+6 vs specials)
  • Melee +5 / Ranged +6 /Unarmed +5

Defence: 17 (20 vs specials; +2 when adjacent to two humans; +2 when holding a readied fencing blade)

  • DR: 2 (Padded Armor); Edged 2

Vitality Points: 54 / Wound Points: 10

Proficiencies & Tricks: Edged (forte); Blunt; Parry (3/combat); Arrow Cutting(3/combat); Damned if you Do (3/combat)

Common Combat actions

  • Fencing blade: +6 to hit, damage 1d8+6/18-20 (AP 2, Keen 4, +2 to Feint); vs Specials increases to Fencing blade: +8 to hit, damage 1d8+6/17-20 (AP 4, Keen 4, +2 to Feint, roll damage twice keeping preferred result)
  • Feint (using Impress) +15 vs Notice
  • Parry +9 Reflex save vs damage inflicted; with success attacker begins bleeding


  • Vigilant - Always Ready: You may always act during surprise rounds.
  • Vigilant - Enlightened Notice: Your maximum Notice rank increases to your Career Level + 5. Only the highest bonus from any single enlightened ability may apply to each skill.
  • Vanguard - Basic Combat Expert: You’re considered to have 2 additional Basic Combat feats for any ability based on the number of Basic Combat feats you have.
  • Vanguard - Charming: Once per session, you may improve the Disposition of any 1 non-adversary NPC by 5.
  • Vanguard - Paired Skills: Each time you gain 1 or more ranks in the Resolve skill, you gain equal ranks in the Impress skill. This may not increase your Impress skill beyond its maximum rank.
  • Vanguard - Stand Together: You gain a +2 morale bonus to Defense and all saves when at least 2 adjacent characters share your Species.
  • Assassin - Heartseeker: Your base attack bonus is considered equal to your Career Level when you attack a special character. Also gain AP 2 vs specials.
  • Assassin - Hand of Death: Each time you fail a Blend or Resolve check and don’t suffer an error, you still succeed as long as the check DC (or your opponent’s check result) is equal to or less than your Class Level + 20.
  • Assassin - Cold Read: Once per session as a free action, you may ask the GM a number of personal questions equal to your starting action dice about a character you can see and hear.
  • Assassin - Quick on Your Feet: You make trained Disguise checks even when you lack a kit. Also, once per session, you may make a Mask or Ambush check as a free action.
  • Assassin - Unspoken Name: Gain 1 rank of Heroic renown and a +1 bonus with Intimidate checks targeting any character who knows about at least one of your previous kills.
  • Assassin - Blade Practice: Once per adventure, you may spend 1 hour practicing to gain 1 temporary Melee Combat feat of your choice until the end of the current adventure.
  • Gallant - Practical Nobility: Your Noble Renown increases by 1. Gain 1 skill for either Haggle or Sense Motive per level in Gallant.
  • Gallant - Famed Blade: When you hit a special adversary, you may roll for damage twice keeping the result you prefer. Also you gain a bonus to Defense against attacks by special characters equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum +1).



  • Acrobatics: 3 = 1+2
  • Blend: 11 = 9+2
  • Bluff: 11 = 9+2
  • Disguise: 11 = 9+2
  • Impress: 11 = 9+2 (+2 with Duelist's Blade)
  • Intimidate: 6 = 3+3
  • Haggle: 3 = 1+2
  • Notice: 14 = 11+3
  • Prestidigitation: 3 = 1+2
  • Resolve: 9 = 9+0
  • Sense Motive: 12 = 9+3


  • Origin - Lightning Reflexes: +3 Ref save; may roll twice for Initiative
  • Origin - Misdirection Basics: Your threat range with attacks against special characters increases by 1. You also count as 3 additional characters when determining numerical advantage.
  • 1st - Fan Service: You may use your Impress skill bonus when you Distract or Feint. You also gain a trick. Yowza! (Distract Trick): If your target is a standard character, he also becomes fixated on you for a number of rounds equal to your Appearance bonus.
  • 3rd - Sword Circle Basics: When holding a fencing blade, gain +2 Ref; Also gain Fencer's Circle (stance): Opponents may not spend AD to boost melee attacks against you.
  • 6th - Personal Lieutenant: Gain non-animal special NPC (60XP - see below for details)
  • Blade Practice - Sword Circle Mastery: Your fencing blade attacks gain a sneak attack dice; Also gain Slashing Riposte (Fencing Blade Parry Trick): The attacker also begins bleeding.
  • Item - Darting Weapon: At the start of your Initiative Count when you’re armed with a single melee weapon, you may accept a –2 penalty with your attack and skill checks until the start of your next Initiative Count. Once during that round you may take a half action to make 2 Standard Attacks with that weapon.


  • [Prize] "The Opening Gambit" - sparring glove gifted by her sword master, used on many occasions to issue a duel; Level 6; [Greater Charm]Damage Bonus +3(melee),[Greater Essence]Feat (Darting Weapon) - Rep 34
  • [Prize] "The Rook's Ring" - Signet ring of former lover; Level 6; [Lesser Charm]Defence Bonus +1 [Lesser Essence]Damage Aura (1d6 subdual) - Rep 8
  • Duelist's Blade - Superior Elf-made Armour Piercing Luring Razor Sword - +1 damage, AP 2, +2 to Impress checks, +2 to Feint, Finesse, Keen 4) - 340s
  • Comfortable Daywear - Reinforced Fitted Partial Studded Leather armour (DR 2, Edged 2, DP/ACP 0) - 160s

Hold-out Boot Knife (dagger) - 15s Backpack - 10s Actor's Props - 15s Grooming Case - 8s Bedroll - 5s Paper Sheaf and ink - 7s Spices - 25s Spirits x2 - 30s Fast Acting Knockout Poison - 120s Savings - 15s

Personal Lieutenant

Wentras AKA The White Wolf (Medium Folk Walker — 60 XP):

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Reach 1); Spd 30 ft.; Init III; Atk V; Def IV; Res III; Comp III; Health IV;

  • Skills: Prestidigitation V, Sneak V, Intimidate IV;
  • Qualities: Rend, Menacing Threat, Feat (Knife Basics), Class abilities: Burglar(Stick close and don't make a sound, Look Out!, Uncanny Dodge I), Tricky(Salt the Wound)
  • Gear: Partial Fitted Orc Studded Leather armour, 2 x Daggers, Thieves Tools

Converted stats (TL 2): Def: 14 Vitality/Wounds:40/10 Init: +3 BAB: +4 (melee and ranged) Ref: +4; Will: +2; Fort: +2 Comp Skills: +2 Prestidigitation: +9; Sneak: +9; Intimidate: +6

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