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Basic Cybernetics

Cosmetic Surgery
OP 1 Adds 1 level of Attractiveness. May be taken multiple times, though there is still a limit of 5 levels.
HL 2
Surgery MA

Subdermal Display
OP 1 Provides information such as the time, date, the character's heartbeat, blood pressure and temperature, and any allergies that medics and doctors should know about. Can act as an Output for a GPS Reciever. The various data can be cycled by pressing the implant.
HL 0
Surgery N

Skin Weave
OP 10 Provides an Armour of 2 except against blunt attacks, falls and collisions.
HL 2D6
Surgery CR

Subdermal Armour
OP 20 Provides an Armour of 5, subtracts 1 from REF. Perception DV 20.
HL 3D6
Surgery CR

Retractacle Blades
OP 4 A blade or set of blades built into the Body. Automatic Quick-Draw. BODY+3 damage. May be Armor Piercing for 3 extra OP. Perception DV 28.
HL 1D6
Surgery MA

OP 9 Reduces Shock DVs by 2, adds 2 to REC. Reduces Surgery DVs for any-one operating on the character if they have an Output.
HL 1D6
Surgery M

OP 12 Adds 2 to REF for three phases of combat; takes an hour to 'recharge.' Kicks in whenever the character chooses.
HL 2D6
Surgery MA

Oxygen Tank
OP 4 Provides an hour's oxygen. Up to three additional hours can be added fo 2 OP each. Increase time by 50% if character stays motionless. An Output will show time remaining.
HL 1
Surgery MA

OP 9 Small rods of encased Anti-Gravity Warp are inserted into the Body, reducing the character's weight by 90%, doubling RUN and FLY and tripling JUMP distances.
HL 1D6
Surgery M

Radio Transmitter
OP 3 The character can transmit data via radio. Can act as a link to an Output.
HL 2
Surgery MA

Ultrasonic Voice
OP 2 Character can speak in the ultrasonic spectrum, range 800 m. Can also act as an Input.
HL 2
Surgery MA

Voice Amplifier
OP 2 Character can speak at 90 dB.
HL 2
Surgery CR

GPS Reciever
OP 3 Determines the character's coordinates on worlds with Positioning Satellites. Requires an Output. Useless on Rifts Earth.
HL 1
Surgery MA

Environmental Sensor
OP 3 Provides information on radiation and atmosphere. Requires an Output.
HL 1
Surgery MA

Neural Cybernetics

Neural Processor
OP 4 Has a text memory space equivelent to an encyclopedia, holds 20 keys and can decrypt anything which it has the correct key for, and is required for any of the following augmentations:
HL 1D6
Surgery CR

Interface Socket
OP 5 Allows direct connection to equipment with proper plugs. This grants a +2 bonus to AVs, and can act as a link to an Input or Output.
HL 1D6
Surgery MA

Satellite Uplink
OP 5 The character can connect to satellites. Can act as a link to an Input or Output. Useless on Rifts Earth.
HL 1D6
Surgery MA

Pain Buffer Chip
OP 5 The character ignores the penalties of the a single wound.
HL 2D6
Surgery M

Calculator Chip
OP 1 The character is a Lightning Calculator.
HL 0
Surgery M

Memory Chip
OP 3 The Character can record their senses for a total of ten minutes. Up to 110 more minutes may be added for .5 OP per 10.
HL 1D6
Surgery M

Skill Chip
OP x The character can have up to three levels in any common skill; the OP cost is half of the actual skill cost. Skills cannot be specialised, but sub-skills may be chosen as per usual.
HL 1D6
Surgery M

ROM Chip
OP 2 A large amount of text can be accessed as if it were a book in the character's possession. Requires an Output. This can add +1 to any of the following special skills or sub-skills:

Law, Appraise, Businesses, Militaries, any Computer, History, Astronomy, Literature, any Electronics, any Engineering, any Medical, Astrogation, any Science, Languages, Expertise, Area Knowledge.

HL 1
Surgery M

Encryption Chip
OP 3 Encrypts signals with a DV 32. Add 1 OP per +2 DV, up to +10.
HL 0
Surgery M

Decryption Chip
OP 4 Acts as an INT 4 computer for encryption cracking attempts.
HL 1
Surgery M

Cyber Eyes

Cybernetetic Eye
OP 1 Removable, obvious cybernetic eye. DC 6. Does nothing on its own, but is required for any of the following augmentations:
HL 1D6
Surgery MA

Naturalistic Lens
OP 1 Gives the eye a perception DV of 28.
HL 0

OP 1 Gives +1 bonus to visual perception AVs. For every 5x zoom up to 50x, add 1 OP.
HL 1

Heads Up Display
OP 1 Acts as an Output.
HL 1

OP 1 Character is immune to Glare. In only one eye, Glare causes the character to have No Depth Perception instead.
HL 0

Low Light Vision
OP 2 Character can see in near total darkness.
HL 2

Thermal Vision
OP 2 Character sees heat rather than light. This can be be switched on and off for 1 OP.
HL 1D6

OP 3 Character can see to a cellular level. Add 2 OP and 1 HL cost for mollecular.
HL 2

UV Vision
OP 2 Character can see in the UV spectrum. Range 30m without a UV light source.
HL 1

UV Beam
OP 1 Eye beams out a UV light.
HL 1

OP 2 Visual data can be recorded to a Memory Chip at 4 minutes per one of sense data.
HL 1

Cyber Ears

Cybernetic Ear
OP 1 Adds 1 to audio perception AVs. Detatchable and obvious. DC5. May be improved to synthetic Skin with a perception DV 28 for 1 OP. Allows for any of the following augmentations:
HL 1
Surgery MA

OP 2 User can detect, recieve and understand unencrypted radio communications.
HL 1

Wide band Hearing
OP 2 User can hear in the Ultra-sonic and Sub-sonic bands.
HL 3

OP 2 Audio data can be recorded to a Memory Chip at 8 minutes per one of sense data.
HL 1

Text reader.
OP 1 Acts as an Output character hears internally.
HL 0

OP 3 Requires 2 Cybernetic Ears and a Nueral Processor. Gives a rough 50m radius 3D image.
HL 1D6

Cyber Limbs

Cybernetic Body
OP 4 Replaces the head, torso and abdomen. Torso and abdomen: T4 DC20, Head T4 DC10. Does not include eyes or ears. If the character has a Neural Processor, surgery is not needed to add chips to it.
HL 2D6
Surgery CR

Cybernetic Hand
OP 3 Replaces a hand. T2 DC8.
HL 2
Surgery MA

Cybernetic Arm
OP 3 Replaces an arm. T2 DC 12. Does not include Hand.
HL 1D6
Surgery MA

Cybernetic Foot
OP 1 Replaces a foot. T2 DC8.
HL 1
Surgery MA

Cybernetic Leg
OP 2 Replaces a leg. T2 DC 16. Does not include Foot.
HL 2
Surgery MA

Cyber Limb Options

May be added to any part. Only one Surface and two Spaces per part. Hands and Feet have no Spaces.

Synthetic Hair and Skin (Surface)
OP 1 Gives the part a perception DV 28. Surgery is only required if the part is attached to a natural body part.
HL 0
Surgery M

Chromatic Plating (Surface)
OP 2 Increases Toughness by 2 against energy attacks.
HL 0

Chameleon Plating (Surface)
OP 3 Part can blend in with background, becoming visually and thermally invisible. Gives +6 to Stealth AVs if all of Body is covered.
HL 1

Light Armour
OP 2 Increases Toughness by 2.
HL 1

Heavy Armour
OP 4 Increases Toughness by 2. -1 REF if applied to Body. Reduces perception DVs by 4.
HL 2

OP 1 Makes part immune to electrical and EMP damage.
HL 0

Internal Storage (Space)
OP 2 A small area is available for storage, about the size of a torch in the Arm, a wine bottle in the Leg, or a brick in the torso. Up to two may be added per part.
HL 1

Auto-Holster (Space)
OP 3 May only be placed in a Leg. Can hold a pistol or knife.
HL 2

Jet System
OP 7 Gives the character a FLY of 15 and SWIM of 20 with a half hour of use and a two hour recharge. Requires cybernetic Body and both Legs. Takes up one Space in each Leg and in the Body. An extra battery can add a further half hour of use for 3 OP and takes up the other Body Space.
HL 1D6

Pop-Up Gun (Space)
OP 2+ A Small concealed Cyberweapon is placed on an Arm or Leg, or a Large one on the Body. Automatic Quick-Draw. -2 AVs for Leg and Body weapons.
HL 2D6

Fore-Arm Gun (Space)
OP 0+ A Large obvious Cyberweapon replaces the fore-arm and hand.
HL 2D6+2

Mounted Gun (Space)
OP 2+ A Large obvious Cyberweapon is placed on an Arm or Body (on the shoulder). If a Small Cyberweapon is chosen, no Space is required.
HL 2D6


Surgery requires a sterile area, else roll a second time to avoid infection. A proper clinic reduces the DV by 4, a full hospital by 8, a partner (Surgery no less than 2 below your's) by 2 and two nurses (Nurse 4+) by 2.

Negligible (N) DV 18
Minor (M) DV 22
Major (MA) DV 26
Critical (CR) DV 30