Errol (AW2E)
Errol the Driver
The last place Errol called home, he lit out of years ago in the car he built from bit and pieces he had scavenged, bargained or worked for. On the open road, his charger roaring beneath him, well, it was like a cold bath after a hot day of hard, dusty work. It was like a shot of fine moonshine. It was like sex. Hell, it was better than all three. Of course, he wound up dealing with people again, needing supplies, replacement parts, occasional companionship, and needing to work for some or all of the above.
A man, dressed in leather, with sad eyes in a worn face, and a slim body.
- Cool: +2
- Hard: +1
- Hot: -1
- Sharp: 0
- Weird: +1
- Combat Driver
- Daredevil
White Dodge Charger
- Frame: sedan
- Speed: 1
- Handling: 1
- Massive: 2
- Tags: fast, responsive, vintage, loud,
- Machete (3-harm hand messy)
- Oddments worth 3 barter
- Well worn heavy leather jacket, chaps over denim, boots, and tinted goggles
- Chalice the Waterbearer once got me out of some serious shit +1
- Blues the Chopper has been with me for days on the road +2
- Has caught Jones the Brainer sometimes staring out into the horizon +3
- Lark the Hocus -1
- Kray the Faceless -1