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Sinister Stone of Sakkara


  • Human Assassin 1
  • XP: 0/1700
  • Neutral
  • Full PC
  • List any titles or holdings


  • STR 9
  • INT 11
  • WIS 15
  • DEX 16
  • CON 7
  • CHA 17


  • Languages
    • Common
  • General Proficiencies
    • Disguise: The character can make someone look like someone else through make-up and clothing.
    • Adventuring: The character is well-equipped for a life of adventure. He knows how to clean and sharpen weapons, saddle and ride a horse, set up a camp, and search for a secret door. He has a rough idea of the value of common coins, trade goods, gems, and jewelry. All player characters are assumed to have Adventuring for purposes of the proficiency throws of standard adventuring tasks.
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Weapon Finesse: When attacking with one-handed melee weapons, the character may use his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier on his attack throw.


  • AC 2
  • HP 6
  • Movement Rate
  • Initiative Modifier +2
  • Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
    • Primary Melee Attack: (List the attack throw with all magical, ability, etc., modifiers, like 5+ or whatever), (Damage.)
    • Secondary Melee Attack:
    • Primary Ranged Attack:
  • Saves:
    • Petrification & Paralysis 15+
    • Poison & Death 14+
    • Blast & Breath 16+
    • Staves & Wands 16+
    • Spells


  • First Level: Spells Per Day
    • A first level spell in your repertoire
    • Another first-level spell in your repertoire
    • Etc
  • Second Level: Spells Per Day
    • One
    • Two
    • You-know-what-to-do


  • Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance 4
    • Leather Armor (Black)
    • Leather Boots (Brown)
    • Armiger’s Tunic (Dark Maroon Red)
    • Cloak (long, hooded) (Black)
    • Thieves Tools
    • Rope
    • Torches (6)
    • Backpack (hold 4 stone)
    • Pouch(holds 1\2 stone)
    • 1 week’s iron rations
    • Waterskin
    • Dagger
    • Short Sword
    • Crossbow
    • Case with 20 bolts
    • Those things
    • Individually


  • 13 gp, 4 sp