Lucius the Pauper Knight
- Human Paladin 1
- XP: 0/1850
- Alignment Neutral
- PC
- No holdings
- Strength: 18
- Dexterity: 13
- Constitution: 8
- Intelligence: 8
- Wisdom: 9
- Charisma: 11
- Languages
- Common
- General Proficiencies
- Riding: Can attack from horseback
- Class Proficiencies
- Fighting Style (Weapon & Shield): +1 AC if using a shield
- Class Abilities
- Aura of protection: +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.
- Sanctified bodies: immune to the ravages of disease
- Detect evil: (as the spell) up to 60' away simply by concentrating. Each use takes a turn.
- Lay on hands: heal 2 points of damage per level
- AC 10
- HP 5
- Movement Rate 60 (horse: 180)
- Initiative Modifier +1 (lance: 0)
- Primary Melee Attack: Javelin 7+ / 1D6+4
- Secondary Melee Attack: Lance 7+ / 1D10+4
- Primary Ranged Attack: Javelin 9+ / 1D6+1
- Saves: -1 vs. Evil
- Petrification & Paralysis 15+
- Poison & Death 14+
- Blast & Breath 16+
- Staves & Wands 16+
- Spells 17+
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance: 6+1+1/6 = 8
- polished Holy symbol made of silver(winged sun of Ammonar)
- short spear (Javelin)
- nicked steel shield bearing symbol of the winged sun
- plate armor in good condition
- worn down purple freeholder tunic and pants
- old riding boots (leather, high)
- 6 torches
- medium riding horse
- riding saddle and tack
- saddlebags
- 1 week’s iron rations
- thick woolen blanket
- lance
Borrowed 3gp from Redbrand