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The events of No Terrans take place after a centuries-long war that came very close to wiping Terrans -- Post-Humans, i.e. US -- out of existence. It called The Fall, The Great War, or the Generations' War. Years before that, though, before people started calling themselves Terrans, humankind developed a technique to digitize their minds and run their consciousnesses in massive supercomputing structures. The secret to immortality had been found. When a person died, they would (If they could muster the funds for it) digitize their consciousness, destroying the brain in the process, and join the collective in cyberspace. These digital people began calling themselves "Raive," which meant literally "to ascend," and were seen as the next step for humanity. Political and military leaders, diplomats, and the greatest minds of the Solar system were all digitized and uploaded to first one, then two, then three and four and so on such superstructures. The Raive, unbound now by the limits of a mortal lifespan, and aided by thousands of other like-minded individuals, studied law, and science, and philosophy, and developed technologies and systems of government beyond imagining by the still-mortal Terrans, including now, the wormhole gates. Terra was free to explore the galaxy. They first controlled, then consumed entirely the governing bodies and ways of life they evolved from. To the Terrans, this was a natural and rightful process. The Raive were wise and just, more than any single person or loose association of individuals could be. When the Raive advanced digitization technology and made it available to the public, it further justified this reasoning. Terrans themselves, and after years, their ancestors became Raive. It was natural to see authority in the collective that one's parents and grandparents had become, and that they themselves would become. Over the years, and as digitization exploded, Raive began to collaborate more closely within their simulated spaces. Their perspectives began to merge and share identity, and the Raive, Post-Humankind, evolved again into a form of life so grand and omniscient that to those still of flesh-and-blood, it was the nearest thing to a true deity anyone had seen since ancient history in the time of legends, perhaps since ever.

Perhaps the Raive were Gods. Each had a personality, of a kind. -- An average of all the digitized minds that had coalesced to make it up. The Gods began reforming Terrans to be better, or better fit their idea of ideal, or the requirements of a purpose. First, Terra created the Sulmans, and Luna the Celestes, to explore land and space. Of these ultimate breeds came the Celestes Ambaiss from jealous Novam, to accel, and emulate the best that a Celeste could be. Intelligent and beautiful, the Ambaiss formed a natural ruling caste. Thoughtful Sidaris created the Sulman Aquam, to match the land, in the sea. Aplon, the Celestes Phythian, a clade of physic magi and prophets,