Daybreak in the Wasteland

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Revision as of 14:32, 26 December 2016 by (talk) (Encumbrance Ape)
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A B/X D&D Campaign



  • Alda
    • 140gp (ogres loot)
    • 50cn Complexity I Relic (southern doorway room) - Identified
    • 1cn diamond (500gp)
  • Radnar
    • 50gp
    • 50cn Complexity I Relic (southern doorway room) - Identified
    • 1cn diamond (500gp)
    • 150 gp from buried treasure
  • Dergeil
    • 3gp (ogres loot)
    • Well-made spoon made of unknown silvery metal (10 cn)
    • Crude flint arrowhead curio (1 cn)
    • 1cn diamond (500gp)
  • Adyo
    • 197gp (ogres loot)
    • 20cn Complexity III Relic (southern doorway room) - Identified
    • 40cn sorcerous staff (southern doorway room)
    • 20cn Complexity I Relic (southern doorway room) - Identified
    • 50cn Complexity I Relic (southern doorway room) - Identified
    • 10cn Old Ones bottle (southern doorway room)
    • 10cn Old Ones bracelet (second floor IC#419)
    • 20cn Old Ones plate (IC#419)
    • 2cn Old Ones disc (IC#419)
    • 10cn Old Ones wire (IC#419)
    • 1cn diamond (500gp)
    • 150 gp from buried treasure
  • Rikka
    • 10gp (ogres loot)
    • 10 cn Orcish Dagger
    • 30cn Rune-Covered Handaxe
    • 20gp (orc loot)
    • 20cn Old One's Dagger & Awls (IC #400)
    • 1cn Diamond (500GP)
    • 10cn Complexity I Relic (Bldg #20)
    • 150cn Complexity I Relic - green ray longarm (southern doorway room) - Identified

Encumbrance Ape

  • Alda the Anxious
    • Gear: 580
    • Treasure: 140gp, 1 cn diamond, one 50cn relic (weapon)
    • Total Encumbrance: 771
    • Movement: 60/20/60
  • Radnar Silvertongue
    • Gear:413
    • Treasure: 50gp, 1cn Diamond, one 50cn relic (weapon), 150 gp of buried treasure
    • Total Encumbrance: 664
    • Movement: 60/20/60
  • Dergeil the Bronze
    • Gear: 765
    • Treasure: 13gp, 1 cn curio, 1cn diamond
    • Total Encumbrance: 780
    • Movement: 60/20/60
  • Adyo the Addlepated
    • Gear: 136
    • Treasure: 530
      • backpack: two 20cn Relics, 40cn Staff Relic, one 50cn Relic, 10cn Old Ones bottle (in backpack); 42 cn Old ones relics - (IC#419), small sack: 197 gp
      • small sack (carried): 150 gp of buried treasure
      • coinpurse: 1cn diamond
    • Total Encumbrance: 666
    • Movement: 90/30/90
  • Rikka Ravenhair
    • Gear: 370
    • Treasure: 251
    • Total Encumbrance: 621
    • Movement: 60/20/60

Marching Order

  • Dergeil | Radnar
  • Adyo | Rikka
  • Alda

Watch Order

  • Radnar
  • Dergeil | Rikka
  • Adyo | Alda


Identifying Relics of the Old Ones

Anyone can try to figure out how something works. Something with a Complexity Class 1 has a base two hour time to figure out how to use it. Something with a Complexity Class 2 has a base three hour time. Something with a Complexity Class 3 has a base four hour time.

Figuring out a Complexity Class I item has a base 25% chance of success. Class 2: 15%. Class 3: 5%. The base chance is modified by INT. INT 3 subtracts 15% from the chance of success. INT 4 to 5 subtracts 10%. INT 6 to 8 subtracts 5%. INT 9 to 12 neither adds nor subtracts from the base chance. INT 13 to 15 adds 5%. INT 16 to 17 adds 10%. INT 18 adds 15%.

When a character is familiar with a specific kind of artifact, he does not need to roll again when he encounters the exact same artifact. He does roll gain for similar artifacts, with a bonus of 20%.

So, you roll d100 to see if you figure out anything. It's a roll-under roll. A rule of 01 is an automatic success regardless of how many penalties are stacked against you. Conversely, "a roll of 99-00 always indicates that the roll has failed drastically, and the character will have damaged himself and/or nearby characters if the item such that this is possible." Unlike some stuff in D&D where if you fail you can't try again until you level up, you can keep trying an unlimited amount of times to figure out how an item works. It takes the full time each time. So, if Erg Few-Fingers wants to roll again, he has to burn another two hours. A little bit of teamwork is permissible: "One other character may lend a hand, adding 1/2 of his technology roll bonuses (or penalties) from the die roll. This does not shorten the time necessary for the examination of artifacts." original post




Recruitment thread


The Place of the Old Ones

