Forgotten Freedom:Zella
Zella Ir'Wynarn
Female Elf
Aristocrat 5/Video Game Princess (Prestige Class) 10
A Wynarn by marriage to King Boranal's late father King Charming, Zella has had something of a difficult life. When she was a little girl, she offended an evil witch whom put her and her family to sleep for a hundred years. A handsome prince saved her, only to dump her for a tart whom had satisfied sexually seven virile dwarven men. Then her stepmother proceeded to lock her in a tower where she had to grow her hair exceptionally long to let up the Pizza Boy whom turned out to be her future husband Rose Galan.
Zella Ir'Wynarn has suffered through trying to get her "Happily Ever After" ever since with frequent kidnappings being the usual interruption to her happiness. Amongst the people that have kidnapped her have included Merrix D'Cannith, King Kaius, Errandis D'Vol (whom just put her in an enchanted sleep), the Lord of Blades, Garland the Garlic Knight, Galandworf the Wizard, Kelfka the (Unrelated to the OTHER Keflka) Evil Court Jester, Seppiroath, Koopa the Dragon, Strahd Von Zharovich, and even Mordain Fleshweaver whom transformed her from a blonde to a redhead. Zella has gotten used to this and become somewhat dependent on Rose to rescue her that he's privately begun suspecting she's arranging these kidnappings in order to improve their sex life. Zella used to have dozens of suitors to rescue her but is recovering from the fact the last one revealed his homosexuality while she was dangled over a pit.
Zella's attitude has been significantly dampened by her frequent kidnappings (having the feats "Attractive", "Villain Finder", and "Act Helpless" have been somewhat problematic for her). This has resulted in her surprisingly bad attitude for such a normally graceful and demure female. This can be used as a vehicle for sarcasm and insults that cut straight to the heart of the psyche. Even Kanatash has been unnerved by a few of her cut-downs.
As a Video Game Princess, she wields vague and ill-defined powers to protect the world from evil and to make villains merely lock her up in cages or elaborate deathtraps than actually do any physical harm or sexual assault. She also can bug heroes from anywhere in the world while projecting her consciousness to guilt them into even the most ludricrous of quests.
Zella Ir'Wynarn is played by Mila Jovavich.