The referee of a role-playing game is a player with a special job. Rather than playing a single character, he plays all the non-player characters in the game as well as presenting the current scenario or adventure to the players.
Alternate Titles
Games frequently have their own title for the referee. Below is a list of examples and the games from which they derive.
- Administrator -- Top Secret
- Animator -- Toon
- Chronicler -- Witchcraft, Armageddon
- Director -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dungeoneer
- Dungeon Master -- Dungeons & Dragons
- Editor -- Pandemonium! Adventures in Tabloid World
- Eminence Grise -- Agone
- Game Master -- GURPS, Shadowrun, Jovian Chronicles, 7th Sea, Torg, MasterBook, many others
- Holmeister -- HOL
- Hollyhock God -- Nobilis
- Host -- Castle Falkenstein, IronClaw, JadeClaw
- Judge -- Marvel Super Heroes
- Keeper of Arcane Lore (or simply Keeper) -- Call of Cthulhu
- Kennel Master -- Woof Meow
- Man, The -- Starchildren
- Marshal -- Deadlands
- Mission Control -- Spycraft
- Mission Director -- RECON and RECON Modern Combat
- Moderator -- Blue Planet
- Narrator -- Star Trek
- Producer -- Primetime Adventures
- Referee -- Traveller, Teenagers From Outer Space, Mekton, Cyberpunk, Space: 1889
- SchoolMaster -- Alma Mater
- Storyguide -- Ars Magica
- Storyteller -- White Wolf's various games
- TWERPSMaster -- TWERPS, of course.
- Wulin Sage -- Weapons of the Gods
- Zombie Master -- All Flesh Must Be Eaten