War of Four Nations

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Revision as of 10:08, 5 February 2017 by Roryb (talk | contribs) (Player Characters)
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A game wiki using Peril Planet’s Freeform Universal. This Wiki page is for storage and journaling of game material for part three of The Serpent WarsWar of Four Nations campaign set in the Vilhon Reach area of the Forgotten Realms.

Map of the Vilhon Reach area found here. Wiki article on the Reach here.



The campaign will draw upon very few setting sources, allowing for growth and the possibility to change canon. These include:

Options from the author’s own rules clarifications and enhancements are found here.

Player Characters

Anton de Mathesio

Description. House de Mathesio was a rising mercantile house in Amn, owning interests in the shipping trade to Maztica as well as various forests and mines in the country’s interior. However, the scion of the family, Anton, was something of a disappointment to his hardheaded parents. From his earliest years, he was fascinated by stories of magic and enchantment –even though, in magic-fearing Amn, these cautionary stories inevitably ended in tragedy for any who dared to dabble in the forbidden arts.

Anton was always far too wild and restless to learn anything at all of bookkeeping. He had enough natural talent to make a capable swordsman, and his parents were considering sending him to the army on strength of that, when disaster struck. Anton, it was discovered, had been paying a local hedge-witch for lessons in magic and alchemy. The superstitious old woman knew little of the greater arts, and the authorities had more or less turned a blind eye to her practises, but a member of the nobility learning from her was a different matter. Anton’s parents planned to ruin themselves bribing the correct magistrates to allow their son to go free, but Anton had other ideas. He simply slipped away from the family castle one night, planning to make his way to lands further east, where he could finally study magic at will.

Anton is a charming but impractical individual. Besides his passion for magic, he has a generally romantic view of the world, a boundless passion for poetry, and various chivalrous impulses. The truth is that his qualities are not at all suited to the slow and steady study of magic and most potential mentors would reject him out of hand -but perhaps he'll find a way to learn all the same.