Forgotten Freedom:MCP

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Kolyarut Inevitable 'MCP'

Fighter3/Ranger 3

MCP was recently charged with the objective of recon and intelligence-gathering on the Forgotten Freedom. No, hes not here to spy on the crew, but rather to gain information on the various foibles of humanity in general. After the loss of the Inevitable now known as 'The Marshal', MCP's superiors (as he calls them) decided that more information on the nuances of humanoids is needed to prevent the corruption and loss of further Inevitables. Upon reaching this conclusion, the higher-ups cast about the multiverse, looking for the best conglomeration of races that evidenced the most common flaws, faults, weaknesses, and illogic of the 'lesser beings'. Almost instantly, they settled on the Forgotten Freedom. MCP has been aboad for only a few days, and still has much to learn.

He is currently assigned as chief of security (hey, if an inevitable wielding a greatsword big enough to fillet a dragon isn't cut out for the job, who is?) and has already come to the conclusion that the crew is absolutely insane. Except for the two kids. He doesn't know what to make of them (there are no Inevitable children, after all), but has already labeled them as mischievious, and Most Likely To Destroy the Universe.

Rose likes having the brute around, as it terrifies the redshirts into line. Also, MCP can't understand the concept of a paycheck, so the captain graciously holds MCP's pay 'just in case'. Yeah... right...

There ya go, gang. A new mind, ready to be rendered unbalanced by the antics of the crew. Keep in mind, the guy still operates on the priciple "If brute force doesn't solve your problem, you aren't using enough".

Created by LugWrench

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