Anbet the Younger
- Human Ranger 6
- XP: 41,461/65,000
- Lawful
- Age: 22
- Henchman of Harn
- 16 STR (+2)
- 09 INT
- 12 WIS
- 10 DEX
- 09 CON
- 09 CHA
D@W Characteristics
- Leadership 4
- Zone of Control 2
- Strategic Ability +0
- Morale Modifier +0
- Languages
- Common
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Manual of Arms (can train light infantry & crossbowmen [1 month], bowmen [2m], longbowmen & light cavalry [3m], and horse archers [6m])
- Navigation (+4 bonus on proficiency throws to avoid getting lost)
- Riding (Horse)
- Class Proficiencies
- Accuracy (+1 attack throws with all missile weapons)
- Animal Reflexes (+1 on surprise rolls and initiative rolls)
- Keen Eyes (detect hidden and secret doors on 8+ actively searching, 14+ casual inspection)
- Precise Shooting III (can fire into melee with no penalty)
- Tracking (can follow tracks with 11+ throw)
- Weapon Focus-Bows & Crossbows (natural 20 does double damage)
- AC 6 (7 with shield)
- HP 24
- Movement Rate 120/40/120
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Base Attack Throw: 7+
- Damage Bonus: +3
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword 4+, 1d6+6 dmg (extra +1 to hit and dmg against regen or avian, +2 against undead or plant)
- Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger 5+, 1d4+5 dmg
- Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow 4+, 1d6+5 dmg
- Saves:
- 12 Petrification & Paralysis
- 11 Poison & Death
- 13 Blast & Breath
- 13 Staves & Wands
- 14 Spells
Gear, Armor, Weapons: 4 stone, 3 items
- Chain mail (1 stone)
- Crossbow +2 (1 stone)
- Sword +1, flame tongue (1 item)
- Silver dagger (1 item)
- Quiver w/20 bolts (1 item)
- Belt
- Potion of Healing (1 item)
- Backpack (1 stone, 4 items)
- Bedroll
- Mess kit
- Tinderbox
- Waterskin
- Military oil x3
- Mirror, steel
- Grappling hook
- Rope, 50'
Magic Items
- Crossbow +2
- Sword +1, flame tongue (It is old, forged in the ancient city of Choyli across the Silver Sea, and made of an alloy of steel and harbenite. The blade is named sa siga sa kalayo -- the breath of flame -- and can, upon command, ignite with a puissant flame that is deadly against certain types of creatures)
- Ring of Protection +2
- Potion of Healing
Light riding horse (Bessie)
- Saddle and tack, riding (1 stone)
- Shield, strapped to saddle (1 stone)
- Short sword, strapped to saddle (1 item)
- Shortbow, strapped to saddle (1 stone)
- Quiver w/20 arrows, strapped to saddle (1 item)
- 7,193 gp
- 0 sp
- 6 cp
- River Trolls 1 64 xp
- River Trolls 2 201 xp
- Stirges 9 xp
- Ogres 2 57 xp
- Coin from Expedition I 871 xp
- Hippogriffs 15 xp
- Chimera 59 xp
- Wizard's Tower 50 xp
- Hobgoblin Warband 45 xp
- Flies, Apes, Gnolls 71 xp
- Coin from Expedition II 1,536 xp
- Coin from Meteorite and Apes 137 xp
- Coin from partial payment of troll reward 50 xp
- Bonus for working on the wiki 1,000 xp
- Coin from Meteorite Goblins plus potion and spellbook 260 xp
- Boat project 120 xp
- Hill Giants 63 xp
- Coin from final payment of troll reward 229 xp
- Phase tigers, wild boar 79 xp
- Carnivorous Flies II 12 xp
- Coin from Venture III 909 xp
- Cockatrices 53 xp
- Ogre Warband 133 xp
- Ogre Warband II 217 xp
- Rhagodessa 22 xp
- Coin from Venture IV 1,880 xp
- Mummies 147 xp
- Giant Scorpions 64 xp
- Capturing oliphant 125 xp
- Coin from Venture V 779 xp
- Ogres from Candle 397 xp
- Coin from Venture VI 2,273 xp
- Bandit fight plus Ruined Keep I-III 616 xp
- Pevin Blacksmith stash 250 xp
- Trade Goods I 464 xp
- Trade Goods II 1,490 xp
- Batrachians 36 xp
- Necromantic scrolls 667 xp
- Vengeance Patrol 349 xp
- Return of Vengeance Patrol + Treasure 4,530 xp
- Gnoll Village Treasure 518 xp
- Morlock Treasure 106 xp
- Coin from sale of Ring 3,333 xp
- Coin from Demon Boars 1,575 xp
- Coin from Bag of Holding 4,464 xp
- Dry Gulch Treasure 2,202 xp
- Chaos Storm 2,500 xp
- Candle and Efreet loot 3,056 xp
- Shadowstaff destruction 3,478 xp