Ganthas the Squire
Ganthas the Squire
- RHuman Rogue 3
- XP: 2500/5000
- Alignment N
- Henchman of Sir Lohenmark
- STR 13 (+1)
- INT 12
- WIS 10
- DEX 15 (+2)
- CON 9
- CHA 11
- Languages
- Common
- General Proficiencies
- Survival (May feed himself by Foraging, and others with a +4 on the throw (see pg 64 and Wilderness Adventures pg 94)
- Class Proficiencies
- Skulking +2 to Hide and Move Silently
- AC 4
- HP 9
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier +2
- Attacks
- Shortsword: (9+), (1d6)
- Dagger: (9+), (1d4)
- Magical +1 Bow: (6+), (1d6)
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 12
- Poison & Death 12
- Blast & Breath 15
- Staves & Wands 13
- Spells 14
- Backstab +4, x2 Damage
- Open Locks 16+
- Find/Remove Traps 16+
- Pick Pockets 15+
- Move Silently 13+
- Climb Walls 5+
- Hide in Shadows 15+
- Hear Noise 12+
- Leather armour 20/2
- Magical Bow +1 20/3
- Quiver 20/3A
- Short sword 27/3B
- Two daggers 33/3D
- Boots, belt, gloves 27.5/-,
- Pouch
- Tinderbox, 28.8/-
- Pouch
- Thieves' tools 54.1/3E
- Backpack 56.1
- wine skin
- week iron rations 58.7/4B,
- 6 torches 58.8/4C
- 2 empty large sacks 60.4/4D
- Crowbar 61.4/4.85 stone