Albard Joy Of Hope

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Created RobertEdwards


Divine Caster: Level 15 Must be able to cast Raise Dead and Heal, of a non-evil non-lawful god


A male human priest of Pelor, Neutral good. Albard's a powerfully built bald steel eyed bear of a man, from one of the towns near Greyhawk. Raised as a smith, he felt the call to go forth and slay evil as a youth -- some of his youthful exuberance he now regrets.

He's Married to Kelsue, a rouge follower of Johydee, Demigoddess of spies.Kelsue's pregnant and stayed at home with the kids. He misses her and worries about her. If this was a war movie he'd be the guy showing her picture around that you just know won't make it home.

Albard has a particular dislike for followers of Wee Jas and St Cuthbert, for completely different reasons. He fills the Cleric role, and is a secondary heavy armor / ass kicker dude.

Started at age 18, and just turned 43, so he is middle aged. He's six foot even and weights 218 lbs.

Basic Stats

  • Albard Joy of Hope
  • Human Male, Middle-Aged; Cleric 15
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Hitpoints: 130 (15d8 + con, max hitpoints as directed by Xaos)
  • BAB:
  • Init:
  • AC: 26 = [10 + 0 (dex) + 11 Armor (Full Plate +8 + 3 Magic) + 5 Shield (Large Steel +2 +3 Magic)
  • SR: Standard; Touch AC: xx; Flatfooted: xx
  • Speed: 30

Add :25500 xp.

Ability Scores

*STR 16 (13 - 1 age +4 Enhancement Bonus, Belt of Strength)
*DEX 10 (11 - 1 age)
*CON 14 (15 - 1 age)
*INT 15 (14 + 1 age)
*WIS 20 (16 +1 age, +3 for levels)
*CHA 16 (14 +1 age, +1 inherent bonus from Tome of Influance)

Hits 150, from 15d8 +30 as per Xaos

*Fortitude save bonus is 9 (Cleric 15) + 2 (CON) = 11
*Reflex save bonus is 5 (Cleric 15)
*Will save bonus is 9 (Cleric 15) + 5 (Wis) = 16

His BAB = +11 / +6 / +1 for (Cleric 15)
He adds +1 for STR in Melee OR +3 (Belt of Strength)
+2 for Sunblade bastard sword, + 4 against Evil OR
+3 for Mace of Disruption

He can turn 6 times a day.


6 for level 15 + 1 for being human. PLUS Simple Weapon Proficency, All armor proficency, and All shields (except tower) proficency as a cleric.

*Human Feat: Scribe Scroll (PHB)
*First Level Feat: Augment Healing (CD)
*Third Level Feat: EWP Bastard Sword (PHB)
*Sixth Level Feat: Craft Weapons and Armor (PHB) 
*Ninth Level Feat: Divine Spell Power (CD)
*Twelth Level Feat: Craft Wand (PHB)
*Fifteenth Level Feat: Consecrate Spell (CD)


Gains 2 (cleric) + 1(human) + 2(Int) = 5 points per level. x4 at first OR (4+14)x5 = 90 skill points

  • Concentration: 15 (Ranks) + 2 (Con) = +17
  • Craft (Weapon Smithing) Ranks: 10 + 2 (INT) = +12
  • Diplomacy Ranks: 11 + 3(CHA) = +14
  • Heal Ranks: 10 + 5 (WIS) = +15
  • Knowledge Arcana Ranks: 5 + 2 (INT) = +7
  • Knowledge History Ranks: 5 + 2 (INT) = +7
  • Knowledge Religion Ranks: 12 + 2 (INT) = +14
  • Knowledge The Planes Ranks 7 + 2 (INT) = +9
  • Spell Craft: Ranks:13 + 2 (INT) + 2 Knowledge Arcana = +17
  • Speak Language: Draconic (Crossclass), also speaks Common, Celestrial, and Orcish

Clerical Domains

His domains are Strength and Sun.

Strength Domain

Albard can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural ability. He gains an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to his cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1 round, and it is usable once per day. Hoo-YAH

Strength Domain Spells:

  1. Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size.
  2. Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
  3. Magic Vestment: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels.
  4. Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per four levels.
  5. Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses.
  6. Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
  7. Grasping Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.
  8. Clenched Fist: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes.
  9. Crushing Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes.

Sun Domain

Once per day, Albard can perform a greater turning against undead in place of a regular turning. The greater turning is like a normal turning except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead.

Sun Domain Spells:

  1. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
  2. Heat Metal: Make metal so hot it damages those who touch it.
  3. Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels, more against undead.
  4. Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.
  5. Flame Strike: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
  6. Fire Seeds: Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs.
  7. Sunbeam: Beam blinds and deals 4d6 damage.
  8. Sunburst: Blinds all within 40 ft., deals 6d6 damage.
  9. Prismatic Sphere: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.

Spells Prepared

Zero Level

Spells Per Day: 6 zero level clerical spells.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. 
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object. (x2)
Light: Object shines like a torch. (x2)
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
He can substitute for the above Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage

First Level

Spells Per Day: 5 + 1(domain) + 2 (Wisdom)
Sun Domain: Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.
Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages.
Detect Evil: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of evil alignment.
Divine Favor: You gain +1 per three levels (+5) on attack and damage rolls.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.
He can substitute for the above Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).

Second Level

Spells Per Day: 5 + 1(domain) + 1 (Wisdom)
Strength Domain: Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. (15 Minutes)
Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).
Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
Remove Paralysis: Frees one or more creatures from paralysis or slow effect.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Status: Monitors condition, position of allies.
He can substitute for the above Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).

Third Level

Spells Per Day: 5 + 1(domain) + 1 (Wisdom)
Sun Domain: Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels, more against undead.
Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Dispel Magic: Cancels spells and magical effects
Invisibility Purge: Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level.
Prayer: Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies -1 penalty.
Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.
He can substitute for the above Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).

Fourth Level

Spells Per Day: 4 + 1(domain) + 1 (Wisdom)
Sun Domain: Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.
Death Ward: Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects.
Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane.
Divine Power: You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level.
Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Sending: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
He can substitute for the above Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).

Fifth Level

Spells Per Day: 4 + 1(domain) + 1 (Wisdom)
Sun Domain: Flame Strike: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification
Insect Plague: Locust swarms attack creatures.
Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses.
Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level.
True Seeing: Lets you see all things as they really are.
He can substitute for the above Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.

Sixth Level

Spells Per Day: 3 + 1(domain) 
Strength Domain: Stoneskin: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
Wind Walk: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.
Blade Barrier: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage.
Word of Recall: Teleports you back to designated place. (The Alter of Dawn at the temple)
He can substitute for the above Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.

Seventh Level

Spells Per Day: 2 + 1(domain) 
Strength Domain: Grasping Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.
Mass Bull’s Strength: As bull’s strength, affects one subject/level (15)
Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and longer.
He can substitute for the above Cure Serious Wounds, Mass: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level for many creatures

Eighth Level

Spells Per Day: 1 + 1(domain) 
Sun Domain: Sunburst: Blinds all within 40 ft., deals 6d6 damage.
Summon Monster VIII: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. A celestrial tricerotops, anyone?
He can substitute for the above Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.

Magic Items

From Xaos

  1. Tome of Leadership and Influence (+1) (Already Used)
  2. Rod of Extend Metamagic (greater)
  3. Evidence Full Plate (+3 armor, Light Fortification) (Lawful Good, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12, Ego 7, Empathy, Vision (30 ft.) and hearing, Sense Motive 10 ranks)
  4. Mace of Smiting (sheds light)
  5. Heavy Steel Shield (+3 shield)
  6. Sun Blade
  7. Staff of Healing (20c)
  8. Lesser Strand of Prayer Beads
  9. Incense of Meditation 1 unit
  10. Sword (+3 weapon, Holy)
  11. Wand of Daylight (6c)
  12. Wand of Delay Poison (12 c)

Purchased Magic Items

Has Craft Weapons & Armor feat Upgrade Shield to +3 Animated (eq. +5) costs (25-9k = 16,000+ /2 (has Craft armor feat) Or 8,00

Has Craft Wand Feat Recharge Wand of Daylight to full power (Base Cost 4,500 Recharge Wand of Delay Poison to full power (Base Cost 4,500) Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (Base Cost 11,500) Charges used XXxxxxxXXXXXxxxxx

Has Scribe Scroll Feat Scroll: Remove Fear x3 (75/2 = 37.5) Speak with Animals x3 (75/2 = 37.5) cat's grace 150 gp remove paralysis 150 gp soften earth and stone 150 gp water breathing 375 gp discern lies 700 gp dismissal 700 gp divination 725 gp insect plague 1,125 gp scrying 1,125 gp

  true seeing 1,375 gp 

Raise dead 6,125 gp bear's endurance, mass 1,650 gp heal 1,650 gp Ethereal jaunt 2,275 gp holy word 2,275 gp Restoration, greater 4,775 gp

Resurrection 12,275 gp 

sunbeam 2,275 gp antimagic field 3,000 gp sunburst 3,000 gp

Wonderous Items Handy haversack 2,000 gp Belt of Strength +4 (16,000 Gp)

Description of Magic Items

Sun Blade

This sword is the size of a bastard sword. However, a sun blade is wielded as if it were a short sword with respect to weight and ease of use. (In other words, the weapon appears to all viewers to be a bastard sword, and deals bastard sword damage, but the wielder feels and reacts as if the weapon were a short sword.) Any individual able to use either a bastard sword or a short sword with proficiency is proficient in the use of a sun blade. Likewise, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization in short sword and bastard sword apply equally, but the benefits of those feats do not stack.

In normal combat, the glowing golden blade of the weapon is equal to a +2 bastard sword. Against evil creatures, its enhancement bonus is +4. Against Negative Energy Plane creatures or undead creatures, the sword deals double damage (and x3 on a critical hit instead of the usual x2).

The blade also has a special sunlight power. Once per day, the wielder can swing the blade vigorously above her head while speaking a command word. The sunblade then sheds a bright yellow radiance that is like full daylight. The radiance begins shining in a 10-foot radius around the sword wielder and extends outward at 5 feet per round for 10 rounds thereafter, to create a globe of light with a 60-foot radius. When the wielder stops swinging, the radiance fades to a dim glow that persists for another minute before disappearing entirely.

All sun blades are of good alignment, and any evil creature attempting to wield one gains one negative level. The negative level remains as long as the sword is in hand and disappears when the sword is no longer wielded. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the sword is wielded.

Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, daylight, creator must be good; Price 50,335 gp; Cost 25,335 gp + 2,000 XP.

Sword, +3 Holy

A holy weapon is imbued with holy power. This power makes the weapon good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against all of evil alignment. It bestows one negative level on any evil creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the holy power upon their ammunition. Moderate evocation [good]; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy smite, creator must be good; Price +2 bonus.

Albard has custody of this sword but rarely uses it himself, prefering his Sunblade.

Mace of Smiting

This +3 adamantine heavy mace has a +5 enhancement bonus against constructs, and any critical hit dealt to a construct completely destroys it (no saving throw). A critical hit dealt to an outsider deals x4 damage rather than x2. Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, disintegrate; Price 75,312 gp; Cost 39,312 gp + 2,880 XP.

This is Albard's secondary weapon.

Armor of Fortification

This suit of armor produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

Albard has a set of Fortified Intellegent Armor, named Evidence.

Greater Metamagic Rod of Extension

Metamagic rods hold the essence of a metamagic feat but do not change the spell slot of the altered spell. All the rods described here are use-activated (but casting spells in a threatened area still draws an attack of opportunity). A caster may only use one metamagic rod on any given spell, but it is permissible to combine a rod with metamagic feats possessed by the rod's wielder. In this case, only the feats possessed by the wielder adjust the spell slot of the spell being cast.

Possession of a metamagic rod does not confer the associated feat on the owner, only the ability to use the given feat a specified number of times per day. A sorcerer still must take a full-round action when using a metamagic rod, just as if using a metamagic feat he possesses.

Lesser and Greater Metamagic Rods: Normal metamagic rods can be used with spells of 6th level or lower. Lesser rods can be used with spells of 3rd level or lower, while greater rods can be used with spells of 9th level or lower.

Metamagic, Extend: The wielder can cast up to three spells per day that are extended as though using the Extend Spell feat.

Strong (no school); CL 17th; Craft Rod, Extend Spell; Price 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater).

Lessor Strand of Prayer Beads

This item appears to be a normal string of prayer beads until the owner casts a divine spell. Once that occurs, the owner instantly knows the powers of the prayer beads and how to activate them. Each strand includes two or more special beads, each with a different magic power.

A lesser strand of prayer beads has a bead of blessing and a bead of healing.

Special Bead Type Special Bead Ability

  • Bead of blessing Wearer can cast bless.
  • Bead of healing Wearer can cast his choice of cure serious wounds, remove blindness/deafness, or remove disease.

Each special bead can be used once per day The beads of blessing, smiting, and wind walking function as spell trigger items; the beads of karma and summons can be activated by any character capable of casting divine spells.

The owner need not hold or wear the strand of prayer beads in any specific location, as long as he carries it somewhere on his person.

The power of a special bead is lost if it is removed from the strand.

Faint, moderate or strong (many schools); CL 1st (blessing), 5th (healing), ; Craft Wondrous Items and one of the following spells per bead, as appropriate: bless (blessing); cure serious wounds, remove blindness/ deafness, or remove disease (healing); ; Price 9,600 gp (lesser)

Tome of Leadership and Influence

This ponderous book details suggestions for persuading and inspiring others, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to his Charisma score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book. Albard has already read his.

Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, miracle or wish; Price 27,500 gp (+1) Weight 5 lb.

Incense of Meditation

This small rectangular block of sweet smelling incense is visually indistinguishable from nonmagical incense until lit. When it is burning, the special fragrance and pearly-hued smoke of this special incense are recognizable by anyone making a DC 15 Spellcraft check.

When a divine spellcaster lights a block of incense of meditation and then spends 8 hours praying and meditating nearby, the incense enables him to prepare all his spells as though affected by the Maximize Spell feat. However, all the spells prepared in this way are at their normal level, not at three levels higher (as with the regular metamagic feat).

Each block of incense burns for 8 hours, and the effects persist for 24 hours.

Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, bless; Price 4,900 gp;Weight 1 lb.

Staff of Healing

(Used Charges: X

This white ash staff, with inlaid silver runes, allows use of the following spells:

  • Lesser restoration (1 charge)
  • Cure serious wounds (1 charge)
  • Remove blindness/deafness (2 charges)
  • Remove disease (3 charges)

Moderate conjuration; CL 8th; Craft Staff, cure serious wounds, lesser restoration, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease; Price 27,750 gp.

Staffs use the wielder's ability score and relevant feats to set the DC for saves against their spells. Unlike with other sorts of magic items, the wielder can use his caster level when activating the power of a staff if it's higher than the caster level of the staff.

This means that staffs are far more potent in the hands of a powerful spellcaster. Because they use the wielder's ability score to set the save DC for the spell, spells from a staff are often harder to resist than ones from other magic items, which use the minimum ability score required to cast the spell. Not only are aspects of the spell dependant on caster level (range, duration, and so on) potentially higher, but spells from a staff are harder to dispel and have a better chance of overcoming a target's spell resistance.

Furthermore, a staff can hold a spell of any level, unlike a wand, which is limited to spells of 4th level or lower. The minimum caster level of a staff is 8th. S