DRYH: Ashes of Gods - Main Page

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Revision as of 17:54, 9 November 2017 by Brahnamin (talk | contribs) (Player/GM Expectations)
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And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?

- Thomas Babington Macaulay

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine . . .

- R.E.M.


Character Template: Please use this Template for posting your character in the table below. Replace Character # with your Character's Name as the title for that page. Copy the Character Template. Click on your Character Name to open the new page. Paste the Character Template into the new page and fill in. [Let me know if you need help with that].

Character Played By Dis Sur P-Sav Resp Knacks Edge
Character 1 RPGnet Handle 3 0 0 Fight




Character 2 RPGnet Handle 3 0 0 Fight




Character 3 RPGnet Handle 3 0 0 Fight




Character 4 RPGnet Handle 3 0 0 Fight




Example Guy brahnamin 3 0 0 [2]Fight x _

[1]Flight _

- Knife Work

- Parkour

GM: brahnamin Redemption Coins: 0 Loss Coins: 0

Character Generation

Click the title above to access the Character Generation rules.



Recruitment Thread

OOC Thread

IC Thread


OROKOS Dice Roller. You are welcome to use any dice roller that indexes and links your rolls. This one handles the mechanics of DRYH really well.

GRAND CENTRAL ABSENCES STATION If you aren't going to be able to post.

RPG.net BB CODES A handy repository of RPG.net Formatting code.

Don't Rest Your Head PDF Purchase the PDF of Don't Rest Your Head. It was still going for $5 when I posted this link. I do not get any money for promoting this product. This is only posted for your convenience. I am happy to answer any questions that will facilitate you making a character or playing the game if you don't own your own copy.

Player/GM Expectations

A brief outline of my expectations and preferences and what you can expect from me within the framework of this game.