DRYH: Ashes of Gods - Character 1

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MY NAME IS . . . Bucky Naimeth

AND I WAS A[N] . . . auto mechanic

WHAT WERE YOU DOING WHEN THE WORLD ENDED? A career mechanic, trained under my father, and his father before him. You see, Naimeth Autobody Shop has been in the family for ages. We weren't like those other namebrand places. It was our legacy and pride.

WHAT DO YOU STILL CLING TO? I sure do miss a good football game. Shoot! I'd even watch basketball if there was a good match on. These days, seems no such possibility. Team owners seemed to have dried up.

WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE? A simple man who lives by the wrench. That spot o' grease you see there? That's a badge of honor. I'm not ashamed of it. And I know how high 'n mighty folk with their fancy clothes used to not even give a second glance to someone the likes of me. What did they call us? Blue collars. That's what they used to say. Fine by me.

WHAT LIES BENEATH? Pride in yer work tends to shape a man. People talk about legacy, this and that, go around scrambling to make ends meet, and have a scrap of something to hand off to their kids. Me? That '63 Chevy is as tiptop as the day she was made. Hell, made some improvements too. She'll be around long after I'm gone. People see a simple older man. I don't need fancy show or words, just my work. If I say I'm gonna do a job, then you can swear on yer mother it's gonna goddamn get done! A man of my word, what few of 'em I got.

WHAT IS YOUR PATH? I'd sure like to see an honest community spring up, hives and outer-space men be damned. A simple life ain't so bad. My daddy used to talk about community.




  • That one thing you do better than anybody ever did . . . Fixin' -- mostly cars, but other mechanical things too. I got an eye for spotting good scrap when I see it.
  • That other thing you do better than anybody ever did . . . Used to teach my kids to play ball, and got pretty good with a bat myself. Had to defend the garage a few times, and I've got strength from liftin' blocks. You don't want to see me brawl, but if it happens, bet on the grease monkey.


  • That thing you do that shouldn't EVEN be possible . . . Ever since that time when the weird stuff went down, I found I could heat metal just by lookin' at it. Could make flame spontaneously flare up from a pool of oil or gas. Came in mighty handy when there weren't no welder's torch on hand. Heard some people call it pyro- pyro-kintic something or other.