The Sacred Valley

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Main Characters

Soshi Atsuko, Imperial Magistrate

Not present: Atsuko's three children, a girl, Atsuyo, 8, a boy, Arihito, 6, and a boy, Ariyasu, 4.

Her maid, Kesa.

Shoki, her new legal clerk.

Naishou Valley

Toshi Naishou

Miya Anso, Imperial Governor, a nervous, fretting man.

Matsu Tadanoko, Gunso of the Imperial Guard, an over-worked woman.

Tsuekei, the head "brother" of the Naishou ronin.

Oda Sensei, master of a sword school.

Sagami, a merchant

Nodama Family

Nodama Setori, patriarch who lives in the country

Nodama O-Kado, his wife.

Nodama Sezoru, his younger brother (in his late 30's)

Nodama Shigekado, the youngest brother, a painter who painted Iya valley.

Nodama Ikue, Sezoru's wife

Okuda Family

Okuda Yasuko, onna-bugeisha.

Okuda Ichiro, her son.

Kobori Family

Kobori Kenzo, aging uncle of the Kobori patriarch.

Saito Family

Saito Ichiro, first son of the Saito family.

Saito Takazowa, village samurai.

Yamako, his wife

Yuiko, his wife's mother

Urashii, his young son

Oiji, his aging servant

Saito Mori, his cousin

Panchu Mura

Kyodaina Akuma, a very large ronin.

The Four Demons, three men and a woman, ronin, who work with Kyodaina Akuma

The Ronin Camp

Brother Kabu, a monk with a disturbing ability to show the future.

Masahide, Kennyo & Tesshū - Three ronin.

Scorpion Camp

Bayushi Itaru, art fancier.

Bayushi Asatomi, Shugenja

Unicorn Camp

Taisa Shinjo Ayumi

Türüüch Moto Oyuunchimeg (Moto Oyu-gunso).

Moto Batbayar, the forever happy.

The Valley of Blood and Smoke

Commander of Kyotei Castle: Tsume Takeshi no Doji

Tsume Takoko, his wife.

Hōnen, a blind monk with a vicious guard dog, Taiki, who is actually a fat, lazy tanuki.

Akodo Matsuri and Lord Matsukaze, a dead child adopted by Akodo Kumiko, and a horse doll made from rope and bits of cloth.

The Valley of Death

Aian Village: Recently the headman, his wife, and his daughter all disappeared together. (Suspected have having fled the region) On the same night, a blacksmithy worker was murdered. Also, two months ago a young peasant man disappeared.

Boubi Village: No reported crimes, but there are rumours of an armed gang inhabiting the village.

Danshou Village: A peasant child and an old man have disappeared.

Houi Village: Three residents of this village have disappeared.

Jouzousho Village: A peasant, a child, and a geisha have disappeared over the last few months, and a worker at the local sake brewery has been murdered.

Juuchiro Village: A woodcutter was recently murdered.

Koujou Village: A teenage peasant boy who worked at the local mill has disappeared.

Mujitsu Village: A farmer (a notorious drunk) went missing some time ago. (Not included: the most recent disappearance of the child you are here to investigate).

Sencha Village: A peasant woman and her daughter have vanished. Also, this village was the last known location of a Phoenix Inquisitor and her yojimbo, who have not be seen since.

Tenraku Village: An entire peasant family was victimized – all of them killed except for two who went missing. On the same night, one of the local doshin was also killed.

Yasurugi Monastery: One monk has disappeared.