Shadows of the Dark Side

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Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Leia Organa brought the Galactic Civil War to a formal close by claiming the Imperial Throne. In the one and a half years since, she has worked closely with Chancellor Mon Mothma, easing the Empire back from a total war footing and preparing to restore the Senate. Her brother, Luke Skywalker, has finally managed to steal enough time away from guarding his sister against assassination attempts to begin identifying, recruiting, and training agents for the Order Inquisitive, which is absolutely not a front for reviving the still-proscribed Jedi Order.

The State of the Galaxy

Galactic Empire

Ruler: Empress Leia Organa

Supporters: Chancellor Mon Mothma, Viceroy Han Solo, Lord Commander Luke Skywalker

Territory: The Galactic Empire controls almost all of the galaxy not claimed by another power; this consists of the Deep Core, Core, and Colonies, along with the bulk of the Inner Rim and Expansion Regions, and large chunks of the Mid and Outer Rims along the Corellian Run and Perlimian Trade Route.

Misc: Controversy has arisen over the delay in the reconstitution of the Imperial Senate, particularly with the new line of Senate-class Star Destroyers entering the design phase. Empress Leia maintains that she and her councillors are working on the structural reforms needed to resolve the problems that led to the Clone Wars, and that the Senate will be restored long before the first flight of the new vessels (slated to be named for Delegation of 2000 members Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala, Meena Tills, Tundra Dowmeia, and Grebleips) is completed.

Rebel forces that remained with Leia Organa and Mon Mothma have yet to be integrated into the Imperial military, instead existing in parallel as the so-called Irregular forces. The one exception is the Royal Starfighter Guard, which has added the Red and Blue X-wing squadrons to the Gold and Silver TIE Avenger squadrons. All are periodically rotated into service with Irregular and Imperial forces as Rogue, Bandit, Guardian, and Shield Squadrons, respectively.

True Empire

Ruler: Grand Moff Phedrik Tarkin

Supporters: Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, Admiral Rodon Carcharias, Colonel Viktr Techt

Territory: This New Orderist remnant is governed from the planet Eriadu, capital of Seswenna Sector. The territory of the self-promoted Grand Moff, a cousin of the late Wilhuff Tarkin, extends coreward along the Rimma Trade Route and Hydian Way as far as the Expansion Region, west and rimward to the edges of known space, and east along the Triellus Trade Run to the Five Veils Route.

Misc: The flagship of the True Empire’s fleet is the rechristened Super Star Destroyer Sheev Palpatine. Colonel Techt is a former Royal Guardsman who commands the True Empire’s elite forces and wears his red Guardsman’s cloak as a cape over a chromed suit of stormtrooper armor.

Zsinj Dominion

Real Alliance

Hutt Space


Player Characters

XP Earned 335

Notable NPCs