Boldly Going:Carrie Hamill

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  • Name: Carolina Leah Hamill
  • Species: Human
  • Rank: Lieutenant, junior grade - Onwards and Upwards
  • Department: Conn - Why let other people fly?
  • Stress: 15
  • Damage Bonus: 3


  • Trait: Human

Humans are adaptable and resilient, and their resolve and ambition often allow them to resist great hardship and triumph despite great adversity. However, Humans can also be reckless and stubborn, irrational, and unpredictable.

Humans drive Vulcans nuts.


  • Where you come from matters less than where you are going. - This must be true, or else I'm screwed.
  • A mediocre decision made at the right time is better than the perfect decision made too late. - A too-common failing among older officers is to talk talk talk until there is no time left to implement a decision. Then they just shrug their shoulders and screw up the next problem.
  • The Federation is a beacon of hope shining against the darkness of despair. - If we aren't here to make the galaxy a better place by our presence... why ARE we here?
  • The biggest smile may hide the sharpest knife. - I learned this from my family, but forgot when I left them. The ambush that killed Chief Weber made sure I won't forget again.


  • Control 9 - I'm pretty cool.
  • Daring 11 - I drive Vulcans crazy. It's awesome.
  • Fitness 9 - I wonder if the crew would like to start up an intramural soccer league?
  • Insight 9 - Better than most of the people that I knew at the Academy, but still too slow to catch wind of a betrayal.
  • Presence 9 - Surprise! People listen to those who are get things done.
  • Reason 9 - Smarter than the average moron.


  • Command 4 - I come from a family of can-do, take-charge kind of people. Yes, this means that I can come across as a bit of a jerk, but I'm working on it.
  • Conn 4 - Piloting is my first and best love. To soar in the void, freed from the past and heading to the future.
  • Security 3 - A girl has to protect herself. And everyone else, when a commanding officer mucks it up.
  • Engin 3 - It's hard to fly well if you don't understand how the engines work.
  • Science 1 - Science is what other people do.
  • Medicine 1 - Outside of some basic EMT training, this is not really my wheelhouse.


  • Composure (The character is good at remaining calm, useful where clear-headedness is needed. It is also vital when not revealing feelings or thoughts to an adversary by maintaining a ‘poker face’. Vulcans, for example, have the discipline and emotional suppression to remain impassive during traumatic situations.) - Calm in the face of insults, threats and crisis. Learned that from my family, the assholes.
  • Small Craft (The character flies shuttles, runabouts, and fighters as if they were an extensions of their own body. These handle differently from starships and, while this doesn’t matter during routine flights, skill with small craft can be the difference between life and death in a crisis. Many small craft need only one or two flight crew, so this Focus cover operations, tactical Tasks, engineering problems, and the to-be-expected piloting and navigation.) - Spent time racing through the outskirts of the capital on my homeworld, and never really lost the taste for it.
  • Shipboard Tactical Systems - A long way of saying, "The things that make other things go boom."
  • Starship Recognition (The character has a broad knowledge of different classes and types of starship, and can recognize them by visual appearance, thermal and radiation emissions, and by a number of other indicators. This is not just useful trivia, as the character can spot deviations from an expected baseline and so is able to identify, for example, when a ship has been modified or is producing false signals.) - I really have no idea what other people do in their free time if they don't find sensor logs of alien ships fascinating.
  • Inspiration (The character is an inspiration to others, helping them overcome fears and doubts during a crisis. Even Starfleet officers, determined as they are, rely on inspiring leadership in difficult situations. An inspirational character can get the most from subordinates, reinvigorating the weary and rallying the demoralized. Inspiring characters are often vital where the stakes are high and success seems distant.) - Different people require different pushes, but starfleet people generally respond to the idea that we should make things better. I like that.
  • Hand Phasers - When it comes down to the weapons being drawn... Shoot first. Shoot last. Shoot often.


  • Resolute (+3 Stress) - Giving up is for my opponent.
  • Constantly Watching (-1 difficulty when detecting danger or hidden enemies) - I'm not paranoid. Have people been saying that about me?
  • Starship Expert (Whenever you succeed at a Conn Task to identify a type of starship, or to try and understand an unknown form of Starship, you gain one bonus Momentum, which may only be used on the Obtain Information Momentum Spend, or to pay part of the cost of the Create Advantage Momentum Spend (where the Advantage must represent some form of known or observed weakness in the ship being studied).) - I love starships. I love looking at them, understanding them, and figuring out how to break them.
  • Untapped Potential (Whenever the character succeeds at a Task for which they bought one or more additional dice with either Momentum or Threat, they may roll 1 challenge die. The character receives bonus Momentum equal to the roll of the challenge die, and adds one point to Threat if an Effect is rolled. The character cannot gain any higher rank than lieutenant (junior grade) while they possess this Talent.) - I am young and awesome.


Home & Upbringing

Species Human

  • Attributes = Control/Daring/Insight +1
  • Talent = Resolute

Busy Colony

  • Value = Where you come from matters less than where you are going
  • Attribute = Daring +1
  • Discipline = Command +1

Rebelled against Diplomacy and Politics

  • Attributes = Reason +2, Fitness +1
  • Discipline = Conn +1
  • Focus = Composure
  • Talent = Constantly Watching

Starfleet Academy

Command Track

  • Major: Conn
  • Minors: Engineering/Security
  • Value: A mediocre decision made at the right time is better than the perfect decision made too late
  • Attributes: +1 Control/Insight/Presence
  • Disciplines: +2 Conn, +1 Engineering/Security
  • Focus: Small Craft, Shipboard Tactical Systems, Starship Recognition

Career Events

Young Officer

  • Talent: Untapped Potential
  • Value: The Federation is a beacon of hope shining against the darkness of despair

Required to Take Command

  • Attribute: +1 Daring
  • Discipline: +1 Command
  • Focus: Inspiration

Conflict with a Hostile Culture

  • Attribute: +1 Fitness
  • Discipline: +1 Security
  • Focus: Hand Phasers

Finishing Touches

  • Attribute: +1 Daring, Insight
  • Discipline: +1 Command, Engineering
  • Value: The biggest smile may hold the sharpest knife



Emmaliene1cosplay.jpg Emmaliene2cosplay.jpg

Lieutenant Carrie Hamill is a Human Woman of average height and lean build, often with a half-smile when faced with danger.

(photos are of Emmaliene, a cosplayer on deviantart)
