ya, its a place.
Heck, its an amusement park.
The Squiggle of Alamond was created several hundred years before Patternfall by Oberon. While its unclear what the exact mandate or the realm was it was clear that it was meant to gather shadows of places of entertainment. It may have been a precursor to Adrian's Dramaturge. This place is largely a amusement park. Six Flags, Disneyland, Santa Monica pier. County fair carnivals and boardwalks. Circuses. Inter spaced are croplands, farms and ranches, hotels, and other elements of a functioning realm.
- The realm is approximated 1000 miles in diameter. It is generally flat except where attractions feature mountainous areas, such as ski resorts and winter sports venues. It has a calm general weather system that is generally good weather with a tendency toward blue skies and puffy clouds. Day time Temperatures between 45 to 90 degrees. Night temperatures 25 to 75. The day/nights are 12 each with no ambient source.
- High above the ground is a layer that emulates the ocean by being full of fish. None of the
- The Squiggle of Alamond is in the center of the Grand Concourse, in the Arrival Slide. It is protected by a elaborate railroad town inhabited by tiny people.
The Encampments are individual parks or Venues, each with their own theme, staff, workmen, camping and living facilities. The very according to tech levels.
Each Encampment provides a Gaffer to the Union. The Union has a Council, members of the Union who have assayed the Sigil.
Sorcery and Powers of the Squiggle
10 pip Basic Imprint. 20 pip Advance Imprint. 40 pip Master Imprint.
- An adapt of the Squiggle of Alamond can operate high Order Sorcery. The Frame of Alamond is different then other initiation frames in that it has 4 tiers. The Top Tier can hold 4 spells of significant power. The Second tier can hold 6 strong spells. The third tier can hold 8 mild spells. The fourth tier can hold at least 12 minor spells of little offensive nature.
- It is believed by those that hold the Alamond sigil that the purpose of the creation of Alamond may have been to test the function of mental collection in the establishment of a Primal Realm. That Oberon attempted to create a limited system with a highly developed set of mental clues to be enlarged and enacted by the act of Creation.