Bounty Hunter Blues:Cerberus
The R-29 Firebrand-type Patrol Craft "Cerberus"
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- Crew: 1
- Comms: 2
- Engines: 2
- Weapons: 1
- Hull: 0
Reputation: Daring/Ambitious
- Licenced: Take -2 Heat on any legitimate bounty hunting job. Your ship can carry particle weapons, and your crew can carry and legally use heavy blasters in pursuit of a target.
Upgrades & Modules
Comms | Long-Range Scanner | Nexus Link |
Engines | Jump Drive | |
Weapons | Grappling Hooks | |
Hull | Crew Quarters | |
Auxiliary | Training (Prowess) | Brig |
Crew/Ship |
- Jezri: A fixer, a slime ball, but damn if he isn't our slime ball (and maybe our fixer!). Jezri knows we're up for jobs that others have a bad habit of shying from. I don't think he'd dare screw us intentionally - because then there'd be no one to do the hard jobs others won't take! - but those daring jobs aren't without risk...