Lukacs Florian

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Lukacs Florian

L3 Fighter (XP: ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo)

Appearance: Notable nose, missing teeth, goatee, light ivory skin

Traits: Focused, deceitful, merciless

Heritage: Human - when you Wrap Up, mark 1 additional XP

Alignment: Chaotic


Mark XP

  • Defeat a foe in battle
  • Act according to your traits
  • Disrupt a prevailing order


11/11 16/16 9/9 9/9 15/15 7/7 4/4
(+2) (+1) (-1) (-2)
xoooo xoooo ooooo xxxoo xxooo xoooo


  • Hit Die: d10
  • Armor: 5 (splint + shield + second skin)
  • HP: 14/14


  • Warhammer: 1d6 damage, close, 1 pierce
  • Musket: 1d8 damage, near, far, reload, loud, rare, stun, 2 pierce, 2h
  • Knife: 1d4 damage, precise, hand

Fighter Moves

Mettle 4/4

Mettle represents the focus and discipline required to face down your foes in mortal combat.
When you take a moment to catch your breath and focus your energy, reset your mettle to its maximum.

  • Favored Weapon: Warhammer, Rifle. When you make any move with a favored weapon, before you roll you may spend 1 mettle to take +1 to that roll.
  • Revel in Battle: When you Fight or Shoot or Throw and roll a 10+, you may spend mettle to add 1 or more of the following effects to the move result, at a cost of 1 mettle per effect. On a 12+, you regain 1 mettle in addition to all other effects.
    • Strike hard: increase damage dealt by +STR in this instance
    • Strike true: ignore +DEX worth of your target’s armor in this instance
    • Handicap: inflict a condition—stunned, hindered, etc.—of your choice on your foe (subject to Judge approval), with a Duration of +INT (minimum 1)
  • Bend Bars, Lift Gates: When you use pure strength to remove or destroy an inanimate obstacle, burn 1 Strength and roll +STR: on a 10+, choose 3 from the list below; on a 7-9, choose 2; on a 6-, mark Strength and choose 1.
    • It doesn’t take a long time
    • Nothing of value is damaged in the process
    • You don’t attract unwanted attention
    • You can fix the thing again without much effort
  • No Guts, No Glory: When you charge into battle against overwhelming odds, burn 1 Wisdom and roll +WIS: on a 10+, choose 3 from the list below; on a 7-9, choose 2; on a 6-, mark Wisdom and choose 1.
    • You have +1 armor until you’re incapacitated
    • The opposition is interested only in you until you’re incapacitated, or until a greater threat presents itself (whichever comes first)
    • You take +1 ongoing until you suffer damage
    • All allies witness to your courage or foolhardiness take +1 forward

Advanced Moves

  • When you make any move with your warhammer, before you roll you may spend 2 mettle to take +2 to that roll.
  • When you wear armor, you have +1 armor and ignore the armor’s awkward tag (if any).


Capacity: 10 | Weight Carried: 10

  • Worn
    • splint armour (wt 4]
    • shield [wt 2]
    • fine dwarven warhammer [wt 1]
    • musket [wt 1]
    • knife
    • waterskin
  • Backpack
    • common clothes
    • rations (oooooo) [wt 1]
    • musket ammo (ooo) [wt 1]
  • Mule
    • leather armour [wt 1]
    • musket ammo (ooo) [wt 1]

Silver in Hand: 11
